While speaking, Fang Qingtong's attacks became sharper each time.

"Fuck, are you crazy?"

Seeing her attack getting stronger and stronger, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

".ˇ If I don't show you some color, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

Although Fang Qingtong is a real person, Chen Feng's cultivation and physical strength add up, and he is determined to be no weaker than her.

He grabbed her hand directly and pulled it into his arms.

"Miss, don't you just not run? Do you need to be so bitter?"

"You bastard! I'm a mentor, what I say!!!"

After speaking, Fang Qingtong used the birth method to dodge to the side.

"If you don't want to listen to me, you have to call me first!!"

Saying that, he charged towards Chen Feng again, and at the same time, a layer of red light was attached to his left hand.

Seeing this, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

The sins you have done, you have to walk away even on your knees.

No choice but to keep fighting.

When the two were fighting, the students who were running stopped and stared at Chen Feng and Fang Qingtong in astonishment.

"It's awesome, dare to fight against the goddess Fang, Li (the one who promised money) will be hurt."

"Mr. Fang was ranked first in this year's Tianjiao list. This Chen Feng is strong enough."

"Don't talk, don't talk, watch them fight, maybe you can learn something."

"Yes, look carefully."

For a while, everyone stopped talking and watched the fight between Chen Feng and Fang Qingtong seriously.

"Girl, I warn you, I'm letting you go now, when I get serious, I'll solve you in minutes!!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Fang Qingtong sneered and continued to charge up with the sword.

"Then try it!"

"You girl, why don't you listen to advice?"

Domineering launched, shrouded the entire training ground.


Fang Qingtong, who rushed over, did not check for a while, but fell straight down and threw himself on Chen Feng.


"I will test!!!".

Chapter 5 College Factions (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)


"I'm taking the exam!!!"

"It's over, I'm lost in love, my goddess!!"


Fang Qingtong's eyes widened, looking at Chen Feng who was close at hand, feeling the strange feeling on his mouth that he had never felt before, his face instantly turned red, and Chen Feng also looked at Fang Qingtong lying on his body in surprise.

The soft touch on his mouth made him a little intoxicated.



As a scream rang in his ears, a crisp slap hit Chen Feng's face.

Looking closely, Fang Qingtong had already climbed up from him, and the hand holding the sword was raised several times, but they were all put down. Finally, with a cold snort, she turned and left.

Chen Feng touched his face, sat up from the ground, stared blankly at the back of Fang Qingtong leaving, still a little bit lost.

"I just kissed her??"

Thinking like this, he stretched out his hand and touched his lips, as if the beautiful touch just now was still on his mouth.

"Brother Feng, big brother, big brother, you will be my big brother from now on, teach me how to pick up girls 480..."


Chen Feng looked at this in confusion, ran over suddenly, and chatted with the person who was on the phone.

"Who are you?"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and said.

"Uh, oh, sorry, I'm so excited."

Saying that, he stretched out a hand towards Chen Feng and introduced himself.

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