"My name is Han Yide. Like you, I'm a freshman this year."

Chen Feng dumbly reached out and shook his hand, but he still didn't understand his purpose.

Han Yide held Chen Feng's hand and got a little excited again.

"Boss, you know what, when I just saw you fighting with Goddess Fang, it was really exciting."

"When you kissed Goddess Fang, I was stunned."

"Wait, who is the goddess Fang you keep talking about?"

Hearing that he kept talking about Goddess Fang, although he somewhat understood who he was talking about, Chen Feng still wanted to confirm.

Hearing this, Han Yide was stunned, looking at him as if he was looking at some unknown creature, until Chen Feng glared at him, he recovered.

"Well? Boss, don't you know?"

Seeing Chen Feng shaking his head, he shook his head helplessly and continued.

"Uh, okay, Goddess Fang is Fang Qingtong's mentor. She was the number one on the Tianjiao list last year, and she is good-looking, so she was unanimously pushed to the position of the goddess."

After hearing his words, Chen Feng was speechless.

Ignoring him, he walked outside the training ground.

"Hey, boss, don't go, let me tell you, there are so many beauties in our school..."

"To shut up!!"

"Oh fine……"

After being yelled by Chen Feng, Han Yide closed his mouth. However, the silence did not last long, and Han Yide opened his mouth again.

"Boss, to tell the truth, you were so handsome just now, no one has ever dared to be such a mentor to the other party, you are..."

The other students on the training ground looked at the figures of Chen Feng and Han Yide leaving, not knowing what to do.

"Now, what do we do?"

"Continue the class?"

Chapter 5 College Factions (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Continue the class?"

"The last wool class, the tutor has left, how can I still take it?"

"Withdraw, withdraw, back to the dormitory."

"Hand, do you want to have a drink?"

"No, I'll go to the academy studio to see if there are any tasks to do."

When Chen Feng returned to his residence, as soon as he opened the door, a person rushed in.

"Wow! Boss, your residence is incredible."

This person, is (bjce) Han Yide, I saw him looking around at the surrounding bamboo forest, constantly amazed.

Seeing him, Chen Feng had a headache for a while.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"Boss, take me to visit your place."

Han Yide's chubby face, with a pleasing smile, came to Chen Feng's side.

"I have a lot of information here, I believe you will be able to use it, boss."

Rolling his eyes, Chen Feng closed the door and walked in with him.

"You can show me around, tell me everything you know."

"Okay okay..."

Chen Feng took Han Yide to the thatched hut at the end of the bamboo forest.

"I will test, boss, you won't live in this thatched hut, will you?"

Han Yide looked incredulous and pointed to the thatched hut.

"It's really a gold and jade that's ruined..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Feng opened the door, and when he saw the scene inside, he was stunned again.

"This, is this, must, must, mustard seeds?!!!!"

"Do you want to come in? If you don't come in, get out!"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes at him and said angrily.

"Go in...hehehe..."

Han Yide laughed dryly and walked in from Chen Feng's side.

"Come on, what news do you have?"

Arriving in the room, Chen Feng sat on the main seat and asked.

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