"Boss, do you know that there are actually a lot of group members in the academy."

Han Yide sat aside, sorted out his thoughts, and said solemnly.

"The first one is the Tianyao Sect headed by Xie Wenyao from the high-level class. His father is the elder of Qimu Academy, so basically no one can control him when he is domineering in the school, and, His talent is also very high, so the academy can't do anything about him."

"The second is the faction that Teacher Fang used to belong to. Now it is led by a girl from the middle class. Because of Teacher Fang, no one dares to provoke him at school."

"Thirdly, on our freshman side, the Yingchen faction that Yuan Yingyao and Wei Chenyi have just established, has attracted a lot of people in the past two days, so, boss, do you want to..."

After Han Yide finished speaking, he looked at Chen Feng with anticipation in his eyes.

"Do you want to come out and appeal? If you stand up, no one will care about those two."

When Chen Feng heard the words, he did not speak, but fell into contemplation.

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in his mind.

[Start to settle the last mission... The settlement is completed. 】

[The host completes the task and begins to distribute rewards, please check the host. 】

[Reward: Points * 1000].

Chapter 1 Demon Hunting Trial (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

[After the rewards are distributed, the next stage of the task begins. 】

[Task: Get the first place in the Demon Hunting Trial three days later. 】

[Reward: Unknown. 】

After getting this news, Chen Feng discovered that the tasks of the system are often settled after the next task is sent out.

"Fatty, is there a Demon Hunting Trial - Refinement in three days?"

"Well? Boss, how do you know?"

Han Yide on the side was taken aback and asked.

"Don't ask me how I know, tell me what you know."

"oh oh."

Han Yide said after thinking about it.

"Actually, I learned all the information from previous trials, but they're all about the same."

"The Demon Hunting Trial is an event held every three months. The purpose is to test the students' true strength and growth rate."

"The trial was held for three days, and it was held in Wan Yaosen. Since Wan Yaosen is at the junction of the five palaces, there are many loose cultivators who hunted and killed monsters to earn crystal coins."

"In Ten Thousand Monster Forest, you must not only guard against monsters, but also guard against monster hunters and people from other academies, and even guard against people from your own academy, because the monster core in your hand and the body of the monster are both It’s a material that can be exchanged for points for money.”

"As for the points system, then I don't know very well, it's different every year."

After telling all the information he knew in one breath, Han Yide looked at Chen Feng dryly, hoping that he would find out his predicament and give him some water.

But Chen Feng seemed to be thinking about something as if he didn't see it.

"People from other colleges? Which colleges are there?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Yide said in a muffled voice.

"Our three colleges in Wufu, as well as academies in other academies, basically started the Demon Hunting Trial during this time period, but there is a first and a second. Yesterday I heard that the Zhongguang Mansion has already started. I don't know about the rest."

After listening to his words, Chen Feng stood up and walked outside.

"Hey, Brother Feng, where are you going? Wait for me."

After going out, Chen Feng saw that Han Yide was still following him, turned around, looked at him and said.

"I'm going to the dean, are you going too?"

Hearing his words, Han Yide's face froze, he stopped angrily, and slowly stepped back.

"Then, that, Brother Feng, I still have something to do, that, let's get back in touch and contact again, and then contact me, I'll go first."

After speaking, he showed a speed that did not match his figure, and ran away in a flash.

"This guy, cut."

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Feng continued to walk towards the place where the dean was.

The Qimu Academy is very large. The students of the third grade of junior high school and senior high school are all in different campuses. The residential area is next to it, and the area is larger than the three campuses.

And the position of the dean is behind the entire academy.

There is a high tower there, where the dean usually handles everything.

When I came to the bottom of the tower, I was about to push the door to go in, but I found that there was an enchantment attached to the door, so I couldn't get in.

But is this rarer than Chen Feng?

"System, crack this barrier for me."

Putting his hand on the door, Chen Feng said silently in his heart.

[Receive the command, start to analyze the enchantment... The analysis is completed...]

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