[There are three layers of enchantment, start to crack...]

Chapter 1 Demon Hunting Trial (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

[There are three layers of enchantment, start to crack...]

【Complete the cracking...】

Hearing that the barrier was broken, Chen Feng was stunned, and couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

When Xuanjie cracked those seals, it took a long time, and he needed to inject spiritual power.

However, he didn't dwell on it for too long, just pushed the door and walked in.

"Old man, I heard that there will be a monster hunting trial in three days, isn't it?"

The dean, who was holding a crystal ball, didn't know what he was looking at, who was laughing slyly.

"You, how did you get in?"

Looking at Chen Feng in front of him, the dean was a little surprised.

"I just pushed the door and came in directly, otherwise what else could it be."

Chen Feng shrugged and said very easily.

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Hearing his words, the dean couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

There are three enchantments on his door, and the level of the enchantment, at least in the realm of heaven, can be forcibly broken.

But Chen Feng obviously didn't force it. If it was forcibly destroyed, it would definitely be a big movement, so he must have some way.

"I have an enchantment on my door, and it is impossible to open it with a push."

After thinking for a while, the dean waved his hand firmly and said.

"Tell me, how did you get in?"

"Believe it or not."

Chen Feng said nonchalantly, slammed onto the sofa in the room, and asked again.


"Don't change the subject, is there a monster hunting trial in three days, and what are the requirements for winning?"

Seeing that Chen Feng was reluctant to say anything, he could only put this matter behind him in a depressed mood.

As the dean of the dignified Qimu Academy, it is impossible for him to force a student to say things he doesn't want to say.

"I don't know, you won't know by then."

"Yo, there's still a little temper, cut."

He curled his lips in disdain, and despised him in his heart, Chen Feng stood up, turned around and left.

This move caused the dean to be at a loss, and involuntarily stopped him.

"Hey, is that what you're asking?"

"Yeah, you didn't tell me, so I'm not going to participate."

Chen Feng pretended to be helpless, turned around and said.

"What! No!!! You must participate as a member of the Academy."

As soon as he heard Chen Feng's words, the dean immediately froze, jumped up from the desk, came to him and said.

"Want me to participate? Okay, tell me the rules and I'll participate."

That rogue look made the dean want to print his forty-six-size shoe sole on his face.

With a helpless sigh, the dean rolled his eyes at him, returned to the desk and sat down.

"Well, anyway, every season, there will be a monster hunting trial, the rules are similar, and it's nothing to tell you.".

Chapter 2 Go to Wan Yaosen (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Since you know the Demon Hunting Trial, then you know most of the rules."

Seeing that Chen Feng nodded, he continued.

"It is calculated according to the level of monsters. The higher the level of monster cores, the more points you will get. In the end, the total points will be calculated, and the first place will be rewarded by the academy."

"Well? Is there a reward? What reward?"

As soon as he heard the reward, Chen Feng's eyes lit up, he sat up straight and asked.

"Well, the reward is one million crystal coins and a flying boat."

"Cut, isn't it just one million crystal coins and a flying boat, what do I think?"

As a result, after hearing what the dean said about the prize, he pouted in disdain.

"This is one million crystal coins!! And that flying boat, which one million crystal coins can't buy!! You know, this..."

After the dean heard his disdainful tone, he suddenly said "two-nine-zero" in a panic.

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