Han Yide stuttered and turned his head to explain to Chen Feng.

"Xuexiang Jackal? Fourth-order monster? Is it that scary?"

The level of monsters is similar to that of humans, and the fourth-level monsters are almost equivalent to the realm of human cultivators.

Although Han Yide only has the third grade, he shouldn't be afraid to look like this (good Zhao), right?

"Xuexiang Jackal, not because of how strong it is, but because once it appears, it's all in groups!!"

While the few people were talking, four or five pairs of green eyes appeared in front of them, looking at the three of them greedily.

And, the green eyes are still increasing.

"Old, boss, me, us, let's run quickly, then, again, if we don't run, I, we can't run, we can't fall..."

With a cry, Han Yide said cautiously beside Chen Feng.

"I'm afraid of wool, since I'm here, will you be in trouble?"

Chen Feng glanced at him and said disdainfully.

His words brought a little comfort to Han Yide, but he was still very scared.

After all, Xuexiang Jackal has always been famous for its viciousness, and almost everyone knows how terrifying the Xuexiang Jackal is. .

Chapter 5 Nine-tailed demon fox? (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Seeing more and more green eyes, Han Yide trembled again.

"Old, boss, let's go quickly."

"Go? What are you going to go, don't you want the points delivered to your door?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Yide instantly felt that his decision to follow Chen Feng was not wrong.

"Boss, I want it too, but I have to take it with my life!!!"

Seeing Han Yide's somewhat desperate expression, Chen Feng snorted disdainfully.

"Look at how cowardly you are, stay here."

Having said that, Chen Feng stepped forward directly, and when he was domineering, all the Xuexiang Jackals were crushed to the ground.

"Isn't that the end of the matter, what are you afraid of?"

Originally, Yulan Meng wanted to help out, but Chen Feng didn't even move his hand, and only relying on his arrogance, he solved all these snowy jackals.

Afterwards, a cold air came out of Chen Feng's hands, freezing the limbs of the group of Xuexiang jackals lying on the ground together.

"Okay, let's get these things sorted out now."

"Fuck, boss, why haven't I seen you show this before..."

Seeing that Chen Feng waved his hand and controlled the group of snow-flying jackals, Han Yide called out with a fuss. 783

"Bum, hurry up and solve that group of things, and divide the crystal nucleus equally after the solution is finished."

Han Yide, who wanted to say something at first, had to give up when he heard Chen Feng's words.

However, seeing the group of fourth-order monsters on the ground, he immediately became excited again.

"Baby, here I come!!"

Looking at Han Yide's excited appearance, he didn't know that he thought he saw a peerless beauty.

Shaking his head, Chen Feng returned to Yulan Meng with a helpless expression.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It seems that they are right. You will definitely be in the top five on the Tianjiao list."

Looking at Chen Feng up and down as if looking at aliens, Yu Lanmeng said with a smile.

"Che, only the top five? The first one doesn't fit my identity, okay?"

Chen Feng pretended to be disdainful.

"En, you are amazing, you are amazing, puff..."

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Yu Lanmeng couldn't help laughing.

The night of Wan Yaosen is indeed a little scary.

However, since Chen Feng's domineering has been in a state of release, there are no monsters that don't open their eyes and run over to provoke them.

Sitting by the bonfire, Yulan Meng looked at the fourth-order demon core in her hand, and suddenly felt that the more she thought about it, the more wrong it was.

"You said, we are in the periphery of Wan Yaosen, how can we encounter fourth-order monsters?"

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Feng, who is not too familiar with this place, doesn't know.

On the periphery of Wan Yaosen, only monsters from the first to third order exist. Generally speaking, monsters of the fourth order like Xuexiang Jackal live in the inner circle of Wan Yaosen.

"That's right, boss, I don't feel it yet if I don't say it, it's really a bit wrong to say it."

At this time, Han Yide also noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

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