Seeing that both of them felt that something was wrong, Chen Feng also became curious.

"Generally speaking, in the periphery of Wan Yaosen, there will only be monsters below the fourth rank, and occasionally there will be fourth-order monsters, but such a group of fourth-order monsters is absolutely impossible to appear on the periphery. "

Hearing this, Han Yide explained to Chen Feng.

"Could it be that they got lost?"


Chapter 5 Nine-tailed demon fox? (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.


As soon as Chen Feng's words came out, Yu Lanmeng laughed outright, and Han Yide also looked at Chen Feng speechlessly.

"Boss, how can you get lost? Monster beasts are territorial. Generally speaking, they won't easily leave their range of life."

"No matter how much you do, what happens, if you don't do it directly, it will be over."

Chen Feng, who has the skills of the first two worlds, said that he does not hesitate to come here.


Just as he was talking, suddenly, a small sound came from the side.

Although the voice was small, it was still captured by Chen Feng.

He looked at the place where the sound came from without a trace, but the thing seemed to sense that Chen Feng had found it, and ran away.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, and he got up and chased after him.

Yu Lanmeng and Han Yide were stunned for a moment, and then they quickly chased after them.

Before Yu Lan Meng left, she cast a spell to put out the bonfire.

Chen Feng chased after him and found that the speed of that guy was simply against the sky.

With his current body speed, although he wouldn't lose it, he couldn't catch up with him no matter what.

"What the hell, such a fast speed?"

With the help of the faint moonlight, Chen Feng saw what that thing looked like.

White fur, slender body, with three tails behind.

Seeing this, Chen Feng was stunned, but immediately chased after him.

"Isn't it a nine-tailed fox? Niang Xipi's, there are all these things?"

Chen Feng chased after him until he came to a stone wall, but he lost the trace of the little thing.

"Well? Where did you go?"

Between doubts, Yu Lanmeng and Han Yide also caught up.

"Boss, catch up, catch up?"

Han Yide breathed heavily, walked over, and asked Chen Feng.

"No, I don't know where to go."

Chen Feng was also very puzzled, because he swept through it with his divine sense and didn't even find a hole.

"Yes, want me, want me to tell, let's, let's rest, don't give up... ah!!"

While speaking, Han Yide wanted to lean on the stone wall to take a breath, but he didn't expect to press the empty hand and poured directly into the stone wall.


Chen Feng shouted, and then realized that this might be an enchantment.

"System, scan the wall in front of me to see if it is an enchantment or a formation."

For the sake of safety, Chen Feng still let the system scan it first.

[Parsing... parsing completed. 】

[The wall in front of the host is an enchantment, which can be directly entered without any risk. 】

Hearing this, Chen Feng rushed in.

Once inside, Chen Feng was stunned in place.

In front of him, Han Yide was lying on the ground, staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Hey, you don't even know if there is any danger, so you rushed in, in case..."

Yulan dreamed that Chen Feng rushed in, and she followed along while complaining.

When he saw the mirror image in front of him, he was also dumbfounded. .

Chapter 1 The nine-tailed fox who will be shy (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Boss, tell me, am I dreaming?"

Han Yide looked at the valley in front of him and wondered if he was wrong.

Who would have imagined that there would actually be such a fairyland in the outskirts of Wan Yaosen.

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