Han Yide circled Chen Feng twice, and then said.

Yulan Meng also looked at Chen Feng thoughtfully, and when she heard Han Yide's words, her eyes were full of approval and she nodded.

When Chen Feng heard the words, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and went up to give him a shudder.

"Reincarnation, reincarnation, I'll turn you around, let's go and take a look inside."

With that said, Chen Feng took the lead and walked inside.

The little fox was also quiet at this time, lying quietly in Chen Feng's arms, staring around with big watery eyes and looking around.

"Boss, what about the trial?"

At this time, Han Yide ran to Chen Feng's side and asked worriedly.

Because of the college regulations, if the points are not enough, the ranking will be lowered.

Although I don't know what the ending will be, but if I think about it with my toes, I know it won't be a good thing.

"Do you need to worry? After you go out, enter the inner circle and find a few fifth-order monsters at random, and you're done."

Chapter 2 Sixth-Order Monster: Yin-Yang Twin Tiger (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Do you need to worry? After you go out, enter the inner circle and find a few fifth-order monsters at random, and you're done."

Chen Feng said casually while walking.

"Fuck, boss, you are a Chinese cabbage when you think of a fifth-order monster, kill it if you say it..."

When Han Yide heard this, he jumped up.

He had just encountered the fourth-order monster, and he was already afraid of it. Now he had to go to the inner circle to find the fifth-order monster. He felt that he had to run away.

"I'm sorry, it's really Chinese cabbage."

As Chen Feng's voice fell, a beast roar entered his ears.

Han Yide looked stiffly towards the place where the roar came from, but saw a black and white tiger nearly three meters in length and two meters in height, with wings on its back and two heads.

"Lying, lying trough!! Sixth-order monster, yin and yang twin tiger!!"

With a scream, Han Yide felt that if he died, he would not be killed by monsters, but by fright.

The Yin-Yang Twin Tiger, a sixth-order monster, is named the Yin-Yang Twin Tiger because it has two heads, which can use spells of different elements, and the body is black and white.

As soon as the yin-yang twin tiger appeared, it exuded a powerful momentum and pressed towards the three of them.

Yulan Meng was struggling to withstand this pressure, and Han Yide was directly pressed to the ground by this momentum...  

"Boss, what to do!! This is a sixth-order monster!! We will die!!!"

Sitting on the ground, Han Yide stared blankly at the behemoth in front of him.

On the other hand, Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest discomfort, and was still walking forward unhurriedly.

At first, the Yin-Yang Twin Tiger saw the performance of Yulan Meng and Han Yide, and there was a trace of humanistic sarcasm in his eyes, but when it saw Chen Feng, it seemed like nothing was wrong, and couldn't help but stunned.

But soon, it was reflected, an angry look appeared in his eyes, and he roared at Chen Feng.


"Damn, what should I do if the voice is so loud that it scares people?"

Before it could roar out his aura, the ice fist condensed by Chen Feng hit his head.

Unpredictable, the dizzy yin-yang twin tiger who was hit by the hammer shook his head fiercely, only to be considered a little sober.

After waking up, he looked at Chen Feng with fire-breathing eyes, and opened his mouth with both heads.

Two energies with completely different attributes slowly condensed in front of the two heads, and then shot towards Chen Feng.

When they were in midair, the two energies were miraculously fused together. No, it should be said that they were entangled.

Rotating and attacking Chen Feng.

Feeling the power of this attack, Chen Feng couldn't help frowning.

Several ice walls rose up in front of him, and then two more seals were pinched, and two enchantments were laid.

"Boom bang bang..."

The ice wall did not block the Twin Tiger's attack for too long. It was only blocked for a while, and then it was pierced. Several consecutive ice walls did not consume too much energy from this attack.

In the end, the attack of the twin tigers collided with Chen Feng's barrier, and countless waves appeared on the surface of the barrier.


With a light sound, the first barrier was broken, but the attack at this time was no longer powerful.

After just holding on for a few seconds, it lost all energy and disappeared.


Twin Tigers were dumbfounded when they saw such a scene. .

Chapter 3 Experience (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After this test, Chen Feng tested the approximate strength of the Yin-Yang Twin Tiger.

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