Judging from the power of the attack just obtained, it is almost surpassing the real world, but it is still a little short of the real world.

He let out a low roar at Chen Feng again, and the Yin-Yang Twin Tiger charged directly.

As we all know, the tiger's signature move, one punch, one cut and one lift, can kill most of the prey, not to mention the monsters in the immortal world.

A fishy wind was blowing in the face, because of the acceleration of its wings, the speed of the Yin-Yang Twin Tiger can be said to be very fast, at least in the eyes of Han Yide and Yulan Meng.

I only saw the yin and yang twin tigers suddenly disappear from the spot, and then I saw a black shadow, rushing towards Chen Feng, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Be careful, old man!!"

"Chen Feng..."

However, what they didn't know was that the speed of a yin-yang twin tiger was less than half that of a little fox. In Chen Feng's eyes, it was like slow motion.

Yunyou stretched out a hand and grabbed the yin-yang twin tiger's paw.


The yin and yang twin tiger, who thought he was about to succeed, was biting at him with a mouth bigger than Chen Feng's head. Suddenly, he was shocked when he saw Chen Feng grabbing 19's own claws. Just wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

I saw Chen Feng showing a very sinister smile in the eyes of a yin and yang twin tiger, and then he felt a strong force, which was uploaded from his claws.



While speaking, Chen Feng grabbed the yin-yang twin tiger's claws and threw it aside.

The yin and yang twin tigers who were smashed, had only one thought at this time.

“The experience of tiger life is very bad!!!”

Afterwards, Han Yide and Yu Lanmeng watched in astonishment, as if they had thrown something, they threw the yin and yang twin tigers from left to right, and then from right to left.

The most important thing is that he is now a hand, which is the most stunned place for them.

Originally, I thought that Chen Feng's greatness was the appearance of concentrating on the first rank and the second rank.

But now it looks like that's not the case at all.

Who can concentrating on the first rank and second rank to throw the sixth-order monster yin-yang twin tiger to play?Even if it's just a monster at the early stage of the sixth-order, it is still a sixth-order.

There is basically no chance of winning if there is no tenth grade of concentration, or in the early stage of the real world.

After eliminating the yin and yang twin tiger, Chen Feng walked over with two crystal cores of different colors.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

"Ah? Oh, it's okay, boss, you are so handsome."

Han Yide and Yu Lanmeng woke up when they heard Chen Feng's voice.

Afterwards, Han Yide used a speed that was completely inconsistent with his figure, and came to Chen Feng's side, pinching his arms and shoulders, with a flattering smile on his face.

Yulan Meng, on the other hand, looked at Chen Feng like a monster.

"Chen Feng, it seems that everyone still underestimates you. With your strength, I am afraid that you can be ranked first on the Tianjiao list. How many secrets do you have?"

Regarding Yulan Meng's words, Chen Feng smiled noncommittally, then walked forward with the little fox in his arms.

At this time, the little fox became much more honest after seeing Chen Feng's strength.

It has just grown its sixth tail, which is equivalent to a sixth-order monster. It's amazing, it is considered a sixth-order intermediate, but watching Chen Feng fight the yin and yang twin tiger, it seems that he didn't use all his strength.

Therefore, the counselor should be counseled. After he recovers, he will probably be able to beat him during the training period. At that time, he must avenge this revenge.

The little fox was lying in Chen Feng's arms, thinking of the scene where Chen Feng was beaten down by himself, and suddenly felt that everything became better.

Chapter 3 Experience (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The little fox was lying in Chen Feng's arms, thinking of the scene where Chen Feng was beaten down by himself, and suddenly felt that everything became better.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised to be able to abuse the yin and yang twin tigers who were close to the realm of heaven and man.

As I walked, I checked my information bar to find the reason.

Soon, he found the answer.

I saw that in the brackets behind the cultivation base, it originally showed that the body was the first rank of concentration, but at this time, it has become the third rank of the real world.

While wondering why the physical strength would increase, the system gave an explanation.

[The body of the host Demon God was once merged with Chaos God and Demon Record in the Xuanjie, but due to the low quality of the spiritual energy in the Xuanjie, the improvement was not obvious, and the Pirate World did not have the energy required for the body of the Demon God. Therefore, after entering the Earth Immortal Realm, the Demon God's The body just started to rise. 】

The systematic explanation made Chen Feng suddenly enlightened.

At the beginning, I got the Chaos Gods and Demons Records in Xuanjie, but since the Chaos Gods and Demons Records and the body of the devils were merged, Chen Feng didn't pay much attention to it, and just regarded it as a one-time evolution for his physique.

He didn't think deeply about this aspect. After the system gave an explanation, he realized that his body strength could actually absorb energy to improve itself.

Coming to this world, in just over a week, he has risen from the state of concentration to the intensity of the real world, and it is still increasing.

Although his cultivation has not improved, it seems that if he relies on his body alone, he will be able to fight alone in the real world without falling behind.

Just when Chen Feng and the other three were looking for monsters in the secret realm, the atmosphere in the mansion of Yuan Jianuo, the head of the three major families of the Wufu, was very gloomy, and the council hall was even more cloudy.

"Isn't Yao'er in Qimu Academy? Why did his soul card suddenly shatter!"

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