The one sitting in the first place was Yuan Pengyi, the contemporary head of the Yuan family.

At this time, Yuan Pengyi sat in the first place with a very ugly face, and asked the people below.

But there was silence below, and no one could give him an answer.

"Reporting to the Patriarch, I have heard that today is the day when the Qimu Academy conducts the Demon Hunting Trial, and the location is in Wan Yaosen. Could it be..."

A man who looked like a housekeeper came over and whispered in his ear.

560 "Well? Demon Hunting Trial? Wan Yao Sen?"

Yuan Pengyi was stunned when he heard the words, and then his face became even more ugly.

"Whether it's a human or a monster, I want him to pay the price!!"

After saying that, the aura of the peak of the real world suddenly burst out, making everyone present miserable.

After a long time, he put away his momentum and shouted.

"Come on."

Following his voice, a person dressed in pitch-black light armor, with the exception of his eyes, did not show a trace of the person outside, silently appeared beside him, and knelt down on one knee.

After this person appeared, the entire council hall was completely silent.

Because, this person exudes an extremely cold aura of death, giving them the illusion that once they make any movement, they will die.

"Take the Shadow Guard, go to Wan Yaosen, and find out for me the culprit who killed my son!"

The man in black raised his hands, then got up, and was about to leave when Yuan Pengyi stopped him again.

"Don't kill him, bring him back to me, whether it's a human or a beast, I'll take care of him myself!!"

The voice fell, and the man in black had already disappeared into the hall.

As for the other people in the hall, after the man in black disappeared, he breathed a sigh of relief, and invariably, a thought appeared in their minds.

"This man is so scary!"

Chapter 4 The Valley in the Secret Realm (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

In the Earth Immortal Realm, since a long time ago, almost all the clans and clans have cultivated a force loyal to the family by themselves.

This power has been instilled in the concept of loyalty to the family since childhood, brainwashed, and spent a lot of money to cultivate it, and it is almost the elite of the elite.

Some families cultivate this power into a form of guard.

However, some families hide this power in the dark and cultivate them into assassins who are proficient in assassination.

Because brainwashing is very successful, basically as long as it is an order, they can even die, so they are also called dead men.

The Shadow Guards are the elite dead men who have been inherited by the Yuan family for thousands of years, and each of them has a cultivation base of no less than the fifth grade of a real person.

And the leader of the shadow guard, the one who just appeared in the council hall, has the cultivation of the first rank of heaven and man, which has completely surpassed Yuan Pengyi's cultivation.

Of course, there is only that one person who surpasses his cultivation level. Most of the others are hovering around the fifth-rank real person, and these people will not be able to gain an inch in their cultivation level in this life.

Therefore, in addition to their loyalty, this is the point that Yuan Pengyi is most afraid of that they will rebel against him.

The Shadow Guard leader returned to the gathering point underground in Yuan Mansion and gathered everyone together.

"The young master died in Wan Yaosen. The master asked us to rush to Wan Yaosen immediately. Whether it is a human or a beast, control it, capture it, and handle it personally by the master. If necessary, you can use the shadow pill."

In front of him, more than a dozen men dressed in the same black clothes were standing in front of him. In the darkness, only those eyes that were as cold as ice shone a little in the dim light.

"Now, in a group of three, we will rush to Wan Yaosen in a scattered manner. We must arrive in one day."

After speaking, the leader waved his hand, and a dozen people in front of him disappeared as if they had never come before.

After that, his figure gradually faded into the air.

In the secret realm, Chen Feng and the three of them have already killed a lot of monsters of the fifth and sixth orders. In terms of the number of crystal cores, each of them has a lot.

And at this time, they have been gone for almost a night.

Just when they were about to return home, Xiao Bai, who was squatting on Chen Feng's shoulders, was the nine-tailed fox. He seemed to smell something, and his pink nose kept twitching.

"Well? Xiaobai, did you smell anything?"? "

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn't help asking in doubt.

After the other two heard it, they looked at Xiao Bai, and they closed their eyes and smelled it.

"Scent, nice scent."

Xiaobai greedily smelled the fragrance while talking to Chen Feng.

"Scent? Why didn't I smell it?"

I smelled it hard, but I couldn't smell anything.

"Che, can your human nose be compared to my noble nine-tailed celestial fox?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said his words, he was despised by Xiaobai, and he gave him a very vivid look of contempt.


Seeing Xiao Bai like this, Chen Feng had an inexplicable thought of wanting to beat him up.

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