This idea of ​​his was also passed on to Xiaobai through his eyes.

With a panic in his heart, Xiaobai jumped up from his shoulders and was about to jump into Yulan Meng's arms.

However, Chen Feng caught it halfway along the way.

"Okay, the fragrance is coming from over there, take us there."

Xiaobai looked at Chen Feng timidly, two small paws placed behind him involuntarily.

"You, won't you hit me?"

Chapter 4 The Valley in the Secret Realm (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"You, won't you hit me?"

"Don't fight, don't fight, take us there quickly."

After hearing Chen Feng's assurance, he put it on the ground again, and Xiao Bai was relieved.

Shaking his little nose, he smelled the direction from which the scent came, and stretched out his little paws toward the front.


After saying that, he ran forward.

Yu Lanmeng and Han Yide couldn't hear Xiao Bai's voice, so they were very puzzled when they saw Xiao Bai running towards the front.

"Let's go, Xiaobai said that it has found the place where the fragrance came from. I am afraid that only it can smell that fragrance, and people can't smell it."

Saying that, Chen Feng also followed.

Yu Lanmeng and Han Yide looked at each other, and although they were a little puzzled, they still followed.

Following Xiaobai all the way forward, after walking for a long time, they saw a valley in the distance, and the inexplicable fragrance came from here.

As the distance got closer, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, even Chen Feng and the others could smell it.

As soon as he reached the front of the valley, Xiaobai couldn't wait to rush in.

"You rush in so recklessly, aren't you afraid of running into danger?"

With a grunt of dissatisfaction, Chen Feng followed closely and walked into the valley.

In addition, in this secret place, it seems that there is no difference between day and night, and climate change.

Since they came in, they have remained in the same state until now, without any changes.

But when they entered the valley, it was as if they had entered another secret realm.

There are spiritual plants all over the ground, a small river runs through the valley, and at the other end of the small river, there is a wooden house.

Behind the wooden house, there are many trees.

Since seeing the spiritual plants all over the ground, Han Yide and Yu Lanmeng seemed to have won the [-] million jackpot. They were stunned for a moment, and then they ran wildly everywhere.

"."Wait, is this Dragon Root Grass?"

"Here, here is a piece of flaming blood grass..."

"Fuck!! There are still glazed leaves here!!"

"No, no, not only Liuliye, but there are..."

Looking at the two people who seemed to be crazy, Chen Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, then turned around and walked towards the wooden house regardless of the two of them.

This valley, when he first came in, he had already let the system detect it, and he didn't find any formation or the like, so he felt more at ease.

Just after crossing the river, suddenly, a white figure came out of the woods and jumped into his arms, it was Xiaobai.

At this time, Xiaobai still held a fruit in his mouth, and put it into Chen Feng's arms as if to please.

"Huh? What is this?"

Holding Xiaobai in one hand and picking up the fruit in the other, a faint fragrance entered Chen Feng's nose.

"Well, I don't know. Anyway, I just feel that this is delicious. I just ate a few, and it's delicious."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Chen Feng was speechless.

You dare to eat it if you don’t know it, and you’re not afraid of being poisonous. .

Chapter 5 Secret (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Taking a bite of the fruit in his hand, Chen Feng strolled towards the wooden house.

He had an inexplicable feeling that he could get some important information in this wooden house.

Pushing the door open, there was no dust on the floor and spider webs everywhere, but it was very clean. It can be seen that this room should have used the formation method.

The furnishings in the house are very simple, a table, a chair, and a bed, that's all, nothing else.

This discovery made Chen Feng a little disappointed.

"Hey, bad guy, there's a big stone tablet in the woods, do you want to go and see it? I don't understand the words on it."

At this time, Xiao Bai's voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Feng saw that Xiaobai had come out of his arms at some point and ran to the door.

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