"Stone tablet? Take me there."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Xiaobai turned around and ran towards the back of the wooden house.

Since Chen Feng had a contract with it, he was able to sense its position through the contact of the contract, and he was not afraid of being lost, so he slowly walked towards 520 deep in the woods.

Along the way, Chen Feng discovered that the trees here are actually fruit trees, but the types above are different.

When I was thinking about how to take all these trees away, I suddenly found that I had already arrived at the place.

A huge bluestone tablet stood in front of it, and it was densely filled with words.

Chen Feng gently stroked the words on it, and tentatively instilled spiritual consciousness into it.

With a sudden flash in front of his eyes, Chen Feng seemed to have come to another space.

In this space, there are several huge spherical bodies, which are arranged from top to bottom. Under these huge spheres, there are countless small spheres, which are connected to the bottom large sphere.

In the darkness, vaguely, a pair of huge black hands can be seen, covering these spheres.

"This, what is this?"

Chen Feng looked at this scene in astonishment, a little puzzled.

"This is, outside of chaos."

Just when he was puzzled, an ethereal voice reached his ears.


Startled in his heart, Chen Feng looked around vigilantly, but found nothing.

"Don't worry, outsider, I'm just a remnant, and I won't do you any harm."

The voice came again, but Chen Feng still couldn't find its location.

Since it can't be found, let the system detect it.

"System, pull this guy out for me."

[Start scanning...scanning fluctuations in consciousness...]

As the sound of the system fell, a faintly visible figure gradually appeared in front of Chen Feng.

However, at this moment, its faintly visible face was full of astonishment.

It is estimated that it could not have imagined that it would be dragged out in this way.

"Well, come on, who are you? Where is this place?"

After seeing the target, Chen Feng felt relieved.

After all, things that can still be seen are more reassuring than the unknown.

"You, how did you do it?"

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"You, how did you do it?"

The afterimage asked somewhat unacceptably.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, how did I do it, you don't have to worry, you just need to tell me, where the hell is this place?"

Chen Feng waved his hand impatiently and said to it.

"If you don't say anything, then I'll leave."

With that said, Chen Feng was about to take back his divine sense.

Seeing this, the afterimage became anxious and said repeatedly.

"Don't, don't, I've been waiting here for a long time. Immediately, my energy will not be enough to sustain this remnant."


"Then why don't you hurry up."

The afterimage was relieved to see that Chen Feng was not leaving.

"Hey, here is the projection of chaos. What you see is the projection of all the worlds that exist in this chaos."

"Huh? The projection of all the worlds?"

The afterimage's words made Chen Feng have a heart.

Chaos or something, he doesn't care, he only cares about the world projection that the afterimage said.

The afterimage stretched out his hand and waved, and the picture quickly zoomed in, until the scene inside the sphere could be seen, and then it stopped.

"Yes, the projections of all the worlds, the small spheres below are the low-level worlds, and the large spheres above are the intermediate and advanced worlds."

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked at the scene inside these spheres curiously, until he saw familiar scenes such as Earth, Pirates, Hokage, and Mysterious Realm, and then did he believe the afterimage's words.

"Have you seen those giant black hands?"

The distance was pulled away again, and Chen Feng once again saw the faintly appearing black giant hand and nodded.

"Originally, there is only one world here."

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