With the words of the afterimage, all the spheres in front of them disappeared, the pair of giant hands that appeared faintly disappeared, and they were also in an unfamiliar world.

"The source world, the origin of all worlds, in the source world, even a newborn baby is stronger than someone who has just entered the advanced world. The people here are also very diligent in cultivation, and everything is going on in accordance with the rules. ."

Suddenly the screen turned, and a black shadow appeared.

After he appeared, he stretched out those giant black hands to separate the whole world, forming many worlds.

That monstrous power shocked Chen Feng to see.

"Since he appeared, everything has changed. The source world was divided by his powerful force and formed the current world."

"Then what is his purpose?"

Hearing this, the afterimage chuckled lightly.

"No one knows what his purpose is, why he wants to divide the source world, obviously, everything is so good."

Speaking of this, there seems to be a slight fluctuation in the afterimage's voice, representing anger.

"What about you? How do you know these things?"

Looking at the blurry afterimage in front of him, Chen Feng had some doubts that he was the aborigines in the source world.

Still, if that's the case, it's kind of scary.

The existence of the source world, it is estimated that it is not known how many years ago, only relying on a trace of remnant, and using energy to maintain it to the present, it is conceivable how powerful he was at the beginning.

"Me? Hehe, I also forgot who I am. It's been too long, and I can't remember who I am."

Chapter 1 Don't touch it (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Time is cruel. It has changed the world, it has also changed me, and it has changed everyone."

Saying that, the afterimage seemed a little sad.

"Okay, the story ends here, let's talk about this projection, and you, the meaning of existence~"

Chen Feng seemed to be a little tired of hearing - and said impatiently.

"Uh, okay."

Feeling Chen Feng's impatience, the afterimage had to skip some things and start to tell the real reason.

"My remnant of thoughts, which I have supported until now, is just to convey a message."

As he said that, the projection in front of him once again became the original one, and then the screen zoomed in directly and came to the world at the top.

"In this world at the top level, the core of the source world is reserved, but that core was sealed by the most powerful group of people in the source world, in order to prevent that person from getting the core. ."

With his words, the picture turned, entered into that world, and finally turned into a bird's-eye view.

"At the beginning, that person wanted to get the core, but he didn't succeed. Then, the source world was directly divided by him with his great supernatural power."

"Well? According to you, is he dividing the source world just to weaken the seal?"

Everyone said that Chen Feng's words were like a flash of lightning that woke up the dreamer, and went straight to the bottom of his heart.

"Yes, if that's not the case, then there is no reason for him to separate the source realm. After all, if the source realm is still intact, it is much better than the divided one."

As he spoke, his figure suddenly flashed.

"Oops, I just showed you so much, there's not enough energy."

Looking at his figure, slowly starting to decompose from his feet, Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded.

Boss, you made it clear to me and it disappeared, don't say half of it.

"Remember, you have to speed up your practice, then go to the top and find..."

Before the words were finished, the afterimage completely disappeared.

As soon as the afterimage disappeared, those projections disappeared without a trace in an instant, and then, Chen Feng's consciousness returned to his body.

"Chen Feng? Chen Feng, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss, don't scare me, boss..."


Opening his eyes, he found that he was still standing in front of the stone monument, Han Yide kept shaking him beside him, calling his name, and even Xiaobai kept calling on his shoulders.

"Stop, stop! I'm fine, stop yelling."

Chen Feng, who was shaken a little dizzy, slapped Han Yide's hand away and said loudly.

"Old, boss, you're all right, you scared me to death..."

When Han Yide saw Chen Feng's reaction, a relieved expression appeared on his face.

And Yulan Meng looked at Chen Feng with slightly red eyes, tears were swirling in her eyes.

"Uh, that, how long have I been standing here?"

Scratching his head, Chen Feng asked a little embarrassedly.

"Damn, you've been standing here for five hours!! If it was outside the secret, it would be dark now!!"

Xiaobai jumped on top of Chen Feng's head angrily, and kept stepping on Chen Feng's head with his four small claws.

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