Anyway, in the storage space, time is still, and I am not afraid that these things will deteriorate after a long time.

Take out a few spirit fruits as dessert.

Having eaten and drank enough, Chen Feng laid out a few warning formations around, and was ready to rest.

The night of Wan Yaosen is very quiet, and all kinds of monsters hide in the darkness and hunt.

In the darkness, a few faint shadows gradually approached where Chen Feng and the others were.

It stopped when Chen Feng was next to the formation for warning. Then, with the faint sound, the formation became useless.

After the formation was gone, these shadows continued to approach Chen Feng and their positions. .

The 3th Yuan Jiayingwei (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

After they got close, they found that Chen Feng was the person they were looking for.

Just when they were about to start, a white shadow flashed by, and a muffled groan sounded, and then one person fell.

At the same time, this muffled sound also woke everyone up.


Yulan Meng turned over and stood up, with a beautiful sword in her hand.

Chen Feng stared coldly at these somewhat vague shadows.

Xiaobai was on his shoulders, and shook his claws in disgust, shaking off the blood stains on the tips of his claws.

No one spoke, those shadows, seeing that they were discovered, took a few steps back and disappeared into the air.

"Go? Did you ask me?"

With a cold snort, the domineering directly launched, pressing in the direction where the few people disappeared.




There were several sounds of landing, and there were several masked people in black on the ground, it was Yuan Jiayingwei.

These shadow guards were only real people of the fifth or sixth rank. How could they compete against Chen Feng, who had already reached the realm of transformation. Unprepared, he was directly crushed to the ground.

"Come if you want, leave if you want? You think I'm a soft persimmon."

Looking at the few people lying on the ground, Chen Feng said coldly.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?"

The few people on the ground saw that the action failed. Except for the one who held the jade slip, the rest of them all smashed the poison hidden in their mouths, and in an instant, they lost their vitality.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help frowning.

And the person holding the jade slip, after passing the message, crushed the jade slip, and then bit the poison hidden in his mouth.

However, Chen Feng, who had already discovered his intentions, would not let him succeed.

For the few people just now, because the incident happened suddenly, Chen Feng didn't come to stop it. This person would never let him die so easily, otherwise, wouldn't the clues be cut off.

At the moment when the person crushed the jade slip, Chen Feng had appeared beside him, pinched his mouth, and removed his chin.

After searching in his mouth, he found a poison sac.

After taking out the poison sac, Chen Feng recovered his chin.

"Tell me, who sent you, and why did you attack us~'?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the man raised his head and glanced at him.

There was no emotion or anger in those eyes, just like a machine.

Seeing this person's eyes, Chen Feng knew that these people were dead men, and no matter how much he asked, he couldn't figure it out.

His eyes were cold, and he waved a cold air, which directly froze the dead man into an ice sculpture.

"Brother Feng, why did you kill him? You haven't asked for the information yet."

Because the battle ended too quickly, Han Yide and Yulan Meng didn't react, and it was over.

Seeing that Chen Feng actually killed the remaining person, Han Yide couldn't help but get anxious.

If there is no live, it means that the clue is broken. How can we know who did it.

"Ask any more is a waste of words. These people are all dead."

Yulan Meng explained.

"Well, actually, if there are any of these people, I probably already know who they are."

The 3th Yuan Jiayingwei (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well, actually, if there are any of these people, I probably already know who they are."

Chen Feng didn't come to this world for too long, and he didn't have any enemies. The only reason he could send dead soldiers to attack him could only be attributed to his own killing of Yuan Yingyao.

However, thinking of this, Chen Feng became puzzled again.

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