It only took a day to kill Yuan Yingyao by himself, and there was no one next to him. How did they know?

Do not understand, had to give up.

Looking at the sky, it was almost dawn, and several people stopped resting and walked out of Wan Yaosen with their legs raised.

Their points are almost enough, there is no need to continue to suffer here.

Just when they were about to reach the edge of Wan Yaosen, suddenly, dozens of black shadows came out, waving their weapons and killing Chen Feng and the three.

From the color of black or green on the weapon, you can know that it has been painted with highly poisonous, and the one who touches it will die.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he threw out the Spirit Art that he had already squeezed in his hand.

"Shining Trick!"

I saw a flash of white light, and the dozens of silhouettes were all entangled by white light bands.

No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the light belt.

Just when Chen Feng was about to go to check on those people, suddenly, another shadow appeared behind everyone in a weirder way, attacking Yu Lanmeng and Han Yide.

However, his attack did not work.

The moment he appeared, Xiaobai jumped up from Chen Feng and hit him.


After Xiaobai landed, he yelled at him, and then his whole body grew bigger like a balloon.


The man was stunned for a moment when he saw Xiao Bai's appearance when he grew bigger, and then hurriedly stepped back.

He knew that the mission was a complete failure this time because of insufficient information, and he had to rush back to pass this news to Yuan Pengyi.

There was a hint of mockery in Xiaobai's big eyes, and a mouth, huge energy, began to gather in its mouth.

It didn't take long for a cold ice ball to be spat out and hit the man.

The icy cold air froze him the moment it touched him.

On Chen Feng's side, he has already dealt with those dozens of people.

"These people are in the same group as the people just now!"

As a qualified melon eater, Han Yide searched them thoroughly after Chen Feng dealt with them, but found nothing.

Although nothing was found, (money is good), these people are dressed exactly the same as those just now.

"Well, I already know who it is. I don't care, let's go to Wan Yao City first."

After speaking, no matter what Han Yide and Yu Lanmeng had to ask, they took the lead and walked forward.

"Yuan family, hum, wait, if you don't destroy your Yuan family, I won't be named Chen."

Chen Feng asked himself, when he came to this world, he basically didn't say anything about being arrogant, and he didn't look for trouble. Everything was brought about by Yuan Yingyao.

Now, after hitting the younger ones, the older ones have to come out again, which makes people a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, Chen Feng decided that instead of letting them make trouble for him in the future, it would be better to kill all troubles in the cradle in advance.

At this time, Yuan Pengyi was still at home, waiting for news from Shadow Guard.

He didn't know that the Yuan Family's proud shadow guard had already been wiped out by Chen Feng. .

Chapter 4 Conflict (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After coming out of Wan Yaosen, the sky has already brightened, and some people have begun to come out of Wan Yaosen, heading towards Wan Yaosen.

In the City of Ten Thousand Demons, people have already started a busy day.

After entering the city, he found a random place and ate something. Yu Lan Meng said that he wanted to go shopping. Chen Feng thought about it and asked Xiao Bai to accompany her to go shopping.

And he and Han Yide opened two rooms in the restaurant, ready to rest.

The three agreed to go to Qimu Academy's residence in Wan Yao City to gather at noon, and then parted.

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Feng threw himself on the bed and fell asleep, only to wake up at noon.

He came to the next room and asked Han Yide to get up, but he knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered. Chen Feng pushed the door open and the door opened, only to find that Han Yide was still sleeping soundly on the bed.

He walked to the bed angrily, and a cloud of water with some ice cubes condensed, hitting him directly on the face.

"Who, who!!"

Suddenly stimulated by the ice water, Han Yide immediately woke up, jumped up from the bed, and looked around in panic.

When he saw Chen Feng standing beside the bed with an ice cube in his hand, looking at him maliciously, he immediately reacted.

"Who am I supposed to be, 873 turns out to be the boss, hehe, are we going?"

Hearing his words, Chen Feng scattered the ice cubes from his hand and gave him a blank look.

"Let's go, it's almost noon, first go to Yulan Meng and the others."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Seeing that Chen Feng had left first, Han Yide hurriedly exercised his spiritual power, dried his wet clothes, and ran out.

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