After leaving the restaurant, the two walked towards the Qimu Academy's residence one after the other.

Halfway through, Chen Feng suddenly moved in his heart and looked at a place surrounded by a group of people not far away.

Although he couldn't see the scene inside clearly, Chen Feng could vaguely hear a familiar voice, but at this time, the voice was full of pain.

"Big, big bad guy, you, where are you, Xiaobai hurts..."

At the same time, Xiao Bai's voice also faintly came from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Feng's heart tensed, he hurriedly got up and rushed forward.

In an instant, Chen Feng came to the crowd.

Seeing the scene in front of me, a nameless fire burned from my heart.

(bjee) I saw that Xiaobai had transformed. At this time, he was lying on the ground covered in injuries, Yulan Meng was protecting him in front of him, and his eyes were red as he looked at the person in front of him.

"what happened?"

Looking nervously at the old man in front of him, Yulan Meng suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he found that Chen Feng had arrived, and he couldn't hold it any longer, and burst into tears.

"Okay, stop crying, did this group of people beat Xiaobai like this?"

Chen Feng came to her side, took her upstairs into his arms, and comforted her softly.

Hearing his words, Yulan Meng nodded lightly in his arms.

After getting the answer, Chen Feng's face suddenly became very gloomy, and he looked coldly at the old and young in front of him.

"You dare to hurt my spirit beast, so you can't keep it!!"

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, the young man in front of him who was very luxurious and exaggerated laughed.

"You can't keep me? Hahaha, do you know who I am? You can't keep me? Liu Feng, kill this person for me!"

Chapter 4 Conflict (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"You can't keep me? Hahaha, do you know who I am? You can't keep me? Liu Feng, kill this person for me!"

Hearing the young man's words, the old man beside him gleamed in his eyes, slowly raised his hand, and waved towards Chen Feng.

In an instant, there was a gust of wind on the field, and a giant blue palm also formed, hitting Chen Feng.

"court death!!"

Chen Feng protected Yulan Meng with one hand, and punched the old man with the other hand.

Chen Feng's physical strength is now in the real world. With the help of his physical strength, he can even hit the peak of the heaven and human realm.

This old man could easily defeat Xiaobai, and he was close to the strength of the fifth or sixth rank of the Heaven and Human Realm. Under Chen Feng's angry blow, he flew out in an instant.

It broke through the crowd and rammed through several houses one after another, and finally stopped.

However, at this time, the old man was already venting more and taking in less.

That young man has been stunned since the old man was sent flying.

He couldn't understand, he just beat a spirit beast and molested a woman, how could he lead out a person like Chen Feng.

You must know that Liu worshipped, but his father specially hired him to protect him, and he had a proper cultivation of the sixth rank of heaven and man. Why was this person able to beat him out so easily.

"Now can you tell me, who are you?"

Chen Feng walked in front of him step by step and said coldly.

Frightened by Chen Feng's aura, he sat down on the ground and said tremblingly.

"I, my father is, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons City, you, you can't touch me!!"

At the end, a smell of urine permeated, Chen Feng saw that this guy was actually scared to pee.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng didn't even bother to move. He let out the cold air and froze him into an ice sculpture. Then he came to Xiaobai and took out a spiritual fruit to feed it.

At this moment, the surrounding discussions suddenly heated up.

"This, this guy actually killed the young city lord."

"Tsk tsk, piercing the sky, you know, Wang Yi is the one who loves his son the most..."

"Bah, if you die, you die, and it's a scourge to keep it."

"That's what I said, but, since he died, the city lord is afraid that he will be furious, and Wan Yao City will be restless again."

"Never mind, I've been preparing to leave here recently anyway..."

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Yulan Meng's face turned pale.

"Chen, Chen Feng, what should I do? He is the son of the city lord. If you kill him, the city lord will definitely not give up..."

After going back and forth twice, just when Chen Feng was about to speak, she suddenly stopped, with a hint of determination in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said to Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, hurry up and take Xiaobai and Han Yide out of here, go to the tutor, I, I'll help you block here for a while."

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but froze for a moment, and a warm current suddenly rose in his heart.

He stood up, came to her side, and took her into his arms.

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