However, even such a powerful city lord was lying on the ground dying at this time, which made them not scared and afraid.

Chen Feng ignored them directly, and walked towards Yulan Meng and them.

At this time, Han Yide was completely stunned.

He knew that Chen Feng would be strong, but he did not expect Chen Feng to be so strong.

If you fight with a half-step True Monarch Realm, you can still defeat him.

Staring blankly at Chen Feng who came over, he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

"Hey, back to the soul!!"

It wasn't until Chen Feng said something that he came back to his senses.

When I was about to speak, I found that I didn't know what to say.

After all, the scene just now was so shocking that it overturned his cognition.

Chen Feng came to Xiaobai, gently hugged Xiaobai who had recovered to his original state, took out another pill, and fed it to his mouth.

"Xiao Bai, I have already dealt with the person who hurt you, don't be afraid anymore."

For Xiaobai, this unexpected spiritual pet, it is false to say that he doesn't care.

After all, Xiaobai is a spirit beast. If he continues to grow, he can always accompany him to any world.

What's more, from what he knew, Xiaobai was seriously injured because he was trying to protect Yulan Meng.

"Well, thank you master, Xiaobai goes to sleep for a while first."

Sticking out her pink tongue and licking it on Chen Feng's face, Xiaobai adjusted to a comfortable posture, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and gently touched Xiao Bai's head.

"Let's go."

After saying hello, Chen Feng took the lead and walked towards the residence of Qimu Academy.

Yulan Meng and Han Yide followed closely behind.

The people from the city guard just now were carefully lifting the city lord of Wan Yao City onto the stretcher. At this time, they saw Chen Feng walking towards them, and hurriedly ducked to the side.

Chapter 1 I didn't do it on purpose (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

The people from the city guard just now were carefully lifting the city lord of Wan Yao City onto the stretcher. At this time, they saw Chen Feng walking towards them, and hurriedly ducked to the side.

When they hid, they directly threw the City Lord of Ten Thousand Demons to the ground.


The intense pain caused him to take a deep breath.

"In the next life, be a good person."

Just when he opened his mouth to scold those people, he suddenly heard this sentence, and his eyes were full of despair.

Originally, he thought that Chen Feng didn't kill him because he was afraid of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

He also thought about saying that when the time comes to find a way to restore his cultivation base, he will use the power of the Heavenly Demon Palace to remove Chen Feng.

However, he did not expect that when Chen Feng was leaving, he gave him such a big surprise.

After Chen Feng and the others were gone, the city guards came over and wanted to continue to carry their city lord.

When they lifted the city lord's body, they felt a biting coldness...  

This coldness made them quickly let go.

The body of the City Lord of Ten Thousand Monsters fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and then shattered into countless pieces.

There is a thin layer of ice at the broken mouth.


In a palace that was all black, blue lights suddenly lit up.

A faint light illuminated part of the palace.

A hoarse voice came from the depths of the darkness.

"The chess piece of Wan Yao City is broken."

"Go to someone to find out who is sabotaging our plan."

"After finding it, let's see if it can be used by us. If not, destroy him."

The voice fell, and under the blue light, a looming figure appeared, bowed to the depths of the darkness, and then merged into the darkness again.

"My Heavenly Demon Palace, I have been immersed for a long time. The world, I am afraid, has forgotten us. Now, it is time for them to recall our horror again."

After saying this, the blue lights slowly went out, and Nuoda's palace fell into a dead silence at one time.


Not long after they left, Chen Feng and the others came to the Qimu Academy's residence.

When I came to the door, I found that the door of the station was closed.

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