Generally speaking, if there are people in the station, the door will definitely not be closed.

Under the doubts of 3.1, Han Yide stepped forward and knocked on the door under Chen Feng's signal.

After waiting for a while, no one opened the door, which made them even more confused.

"You wait here, I'll go in and take a look."

After saying that, Chen Feng jumped up and jumped directly into the yard of the station.

After arriving in the courtyard, Chen Feng looked around, but found no one.

You must know that this time, there are many tutors from the academy, even the vice president.

At this time, Chen Feng heard the sound of water passing from one of the houses, and came to the front of the house in confusion, without thinking, he pushed open the door directly.

In an instant, the air seemed to freeze.

With a scream, Chen Feng closed the door with embarrassment.

"Trust me!! I didn't mean it!!"

"Chen Feng!! You bastard!!!".

Chapter 2 A touch of pink (5/[-] for subscription. Customize)

Somewhat in a trance, they came to the gate and opened the door for Han Yide and Yulan Meng.

What appeared in his mind was still a touch of pink in that startling glance.

"En? Boss, why are you wet?"

After Han Yide came in, he saw water stains on Chen Feng's body and asked in confusion.

And Yulan Meng also looked at Chen Feng with puzzled eyes. He didn't understand how he got wet when he came in, and he didn't see any water in it.

"'s okay, I just accidentally got it on..."

With a little embarrassed smile, Chen Feng led the two of them towards the hall.

As soon as the three of them sat down in the resident hall, Fang Qingtong walked in from outside.

If you look closely, you will find that there is still a blush on Fang Qingtong's face, which has never faded.

As soon as he came in, Fang Qingtong gave Chen Feng a ruthless look, wishing to eat him alive.

If she hadn't taken into account that there are still others, she would have jumped up at 18 and fought Chen Feng to the death.

Chen Feng glanced at her embarrassedly, but did not speak.

"Why did you come back so early?"

Sitting on the main seat, Fang Qingtong asked.


After waiting for a while, no one spoke, so I couldn't help looking at the three of them.

However, they found that the other two were looking at Chen Feng, as if they were waiting for him to speak.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a big headache.

Originally, I didn't want to talk because I was too embarrassed, but now, everyone's eyes are focused on themselves.

Helplessly raised his head and glanced at Fang Qingtong.

Fang Qingtong's hair is still a little wet now because she just took a shower.

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but recall the scene just now.

Fang Qingtong naturally could see from Chen Feng's eyes what he was thinking.

He blushed and glared at him.

"What about you, Chen Feng!!"

And Han Yide and Yu Lanmeng also looked at him curiously, not knowing what he was dazed about.

Under Fang Qingtong's coquettish scolding, Chen Feng woke up suddenly and coughed a few times to ease his embarrassment.

"Ahem...we're done."

With that said, Chen Feng motioned for the other two to take out the crystal core.

With a wave of his hand, three piles of crystal nuclei appeared on the ground.

Counting down, there are almost hundreds of them in each pile.

Moreover, except for a few fourth-order nuclei, the rest are all fifth-order and sixth-order nuclei.

He raised his head in surprise and looked at the three people in front of him.

"These are all obtained by the three of you hunting monsters?"

Seeing the three people nodding, Fang Qingtong couldn't help but be even more surprised.

The three of them, on the surface, seem to be the highest cultivation base in Yulan Dream.

But a few days ago, she had just played with Chen Feng, and she knew that Chen Feng should be no worse than herself.

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