When he was about to say something, Han Yide spoke first.

"Teacher, in fact, most of these were killed by Brother Feng, and we are just following Brother Feng."

Hearing this, Fang Qingtong suddenly realized.

At this moment, the voice of someone talking faintly came in from outside the door.

Chapter 2 A touch of pink (5/1 for subscription. Please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

At this moment, the voice of someone talking faintly came in from outside the door.

"The younger generation is really amazing..."

"Yeah, who would have thought that a young man could actually kill the city master of Ten Thousand Demons City with a seventh-grade cultivation of heaven and man."

"Yes, I heard that the city master of Wan Yao City also used a secret technique to forcibly improve his cultivation. Even so, he was killed by a strong force."

"Well? How did I hear that he was killed after being sealed by that young man with a sealing technique?"

"Sealing technique? Don't be kidding, the entire Earth Immortal Realm can use sealing technique, plus their apprentices, they are no more than the number of hands, and their apprentices are also quite old, and they are clearly talking about a young junior."

"That's right, by the way, did you hear what they said about that junior?"

"I heard that it seems to be called, what is Fenglai called?"

"What Feng? Wouldn't it be Chen Feng?"

"Right! It's really Chen Feng..."

The sound moved from far to near, approaching the hall.

Fang Qingtong also heard the content of the discussion between the two, and thought that it was Chen Feng, and couldn't help looking at Chen Feng with a look of surprise.

But seeing the dull look on Chen Feng's face, Fang Qingtong became suspicious.

Not long after, two tutors from the middle class of the academy walked in.

"Well? Instructor Fang, are all your students back?"

A mentor looked at Chen Feng and the three, a little surprised.

It's just past noon now, and Chen Feng and the three of them have all returned.

In their opinion, either they are very confident, or they are broken.

"Well, it's not bad for three people to complete it."

Fang Qingtong said flatly, then looked at the time.

"It's almost time, let's go to the city gate and wait for them."

After speaking, he walked towards the door of the hall.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was thoughtful.

It seems that there is not so much harmony between the college tutors.

Following Fang Qingtong, he left the station and walked towards Gate 580 of the city.

When passing by the place where Chen Feng had just fought the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, Fang Qingtong stopped to take a look.

But I didn't find any useful traces, so I didn't look again.

But this way, Fang Qingtong found that the passers-by around looked at him with strange eyes.

Once she looked over, people would look away, which made her confused.

When I arrived at the gate of the city, I found that there were no guards here in the past.

After leaving the city, they were waiting not far from Wan Yao Sen.

At this time, Fang Qingtong had time to think about the strange things that had just happened to her.

Combined with hearing the conversation of the two mentors at the station, and the eyes of people on the road, Fang Qingtong once again turned his attention to Chen Feng.

Seeing Fang Qingtong looking at him, Chen Feng smiled and then looked away.

He didn't dare to stare at this tigress again, lest he would have another fight like the last time.

After a long wait, no one came out.

Just when Fang Qingtong wondered if the students were suffering inside, a figure rushed out.

"Guide, teacher!! Beast tide!! The beast tide is coming!!!!"

"What!! How is it possible!!!".

Chapter 3 Catastrophe (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

The beast tide in Wan Yaosen can be traced back to before Wan Yao City was just established. (Bookstore shu05.com)

At that time, the cities around Wan Yaosen had not yet been established.

There are only sporadic villages around, and monster hunters are just hunters in these villages at the beginning.

A village working together to hunt down a second-order monster is enough for everyone in the village to live for a long time.

Later, due to the beast tide, the village no longer existed.

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