The five prefectures sent troops to drive away the beast tide, but they also paid a heavy price.

In order to prevent the monsters from entering the interior of each prefecture, those troops were also permanently stationed around Wan Yaosen, and over time, cities formed one after another.

These cities have also become gathering places for many monster hunters, where basically everything is available.

It's a bit too far to say, in short, once the beast tide is launched, the monsters below the sixth rank in Wan Yaosen will attack the places near Wan Yaosen where people live.

The sixth-order monsters also occasionally appear one or two. As for the seventh-order and above, basically I have never heard of that beast tide.

In the past, the City of Ten Thousand Monsters still had the city lord, and with the temporary recruitment of monster hunters in the city, it was easy to get through.

But now, the city owner has been killed by Chen Feng, and the Wan Yao City is unorganized. If something goes wrong, it will be destroyed.

Following this person, many academy students and some monster hunters ran out one after another.

Everyone was in ragged clothes and rushed towards Wan Yao City in a panic.

"The beast tide is coming!!!"

All those who were about to leave the city or just arrived at the gate of the city, when they heard these words, ran into the city with a look of panic.

At this time, the city guard appeared, and while asking people to hurry in, he stood by the door and nervously looked in the direction of Wan Yaosen.

"Come on, go back to the city first!!"

Fang Qingtong looked at the monsters behind the crowd that kept pouring out of the Ten Thousand Monsters Forest, and said solemnly.

Chen Feng didn't care, Yulan Meng was fine, but Han Yide was so frightened that his face turned pale.

As soon as he heard Fang Qingtong's words, Han Yide was the first to turn around and run, for fear of being caught up.

As soon as you enter the city gate, the city guard will close the door.

"What are you doing!! There are students from our academy outside!"! "

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingtong said angrily.

"I take care of you!! If they can run in now, I will definitely not care! But they can't run in!! The monsters rush in, who will be responsible!!!"

The captain of the city guard said, pointing to the crowd that was still some distance away from the city gate.


Fang Qingtong was speechless by what he said, stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and insisted.

"It can't be closed!!! It's a big deal, I'll stop it!!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone at the gate of the city was stunned.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, stepped forward and grabbed Fang Qingtong who was about to go out. While she was stunned, a knife slashed her neck.

"Take her back to the academy and leave it to me here."

Handing the fainted Fang Qingtong into Yulan Meng's hands, Chen Feng slowly walked out of the city gate.

"The city gate doesn't need to be closed. It will be closed after people come in."

"Ah!! Yes, it's you!!!"

Only then did the squad leader discover Chen Feng, and his expression changed immediately.

Ignoring him, Chen Feng still walked outside.

The people who rushed towards the City of Ten Thousand Monsters wished they had two more legs. Although there were exercises in their bodies, the monsters were not covered by them.

The distance between the tandem and the back was gradually shortening. At this time, people found Chen Feng walking towards the rear.

"Hey, boss, do you think that is the Chen Feng?"

Chapter 3 Catastrophe (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hey, boss, do you think that is the Chen Feng?"

Wei Chenyi rushed forward sweating profusely. At this time, he heard the words of the younger brother beside him and looked up.

"Well? It's really him, what is he going to do?"


Because of the distraction, the speed slowed down slightly, but a beast roar from the back instantly brought him back to his senses.

"Whatever he does, he miss, let him go, just take care of yourself."

After scolding the little brother, he continued to run towards the city gate with all his might.

After everyone passed him, Chen Feng stretched out his hands.

One hand turned into magma, the other hand turned into ice, and then hit the ground together.


After a violent tremor, ten meters in front of him, the ground suddenly cracked, forming a ravine separating Ten Thousand Demons City and Ten Thousand Demon Forest.

Then, the gully was quickly filled with hot magma, forming a magma river.

Immediately afterwards, thick ice walls appeared in front of Chen Feng.

It was not until the ice wall was lined up in front of the magma river that Chen Feng stopped.

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