Low-level monsters have no intelligence, only a sense of danger.

The first-order and second-order monsters in front felt the danger of the magma river and hurriedly stopped, but the monsters behind it did not see it and continued to charge forward.

Just like that, the monster in the front row fell directly into the magma river.

After a lot of monsters died, the latter noticed something was wrong.

Although they sensed something was wrong, there was still a force that urged them to rush forward.

When they came to the lava river, they all jumped towards the ice wall.

However, most of them couldn't jump up and fell into the lava river.

And those who jumped on the ice wall were instantly frozen.

Only some flying monsters crossed the lava river and the ice wall unscathed.

"."fly?Get me down. "

With a cold snort, domineering suddenly released.

Under the enormous pressure, the monsters in the sky fell down like dumplings.

Ice thorns appeared on the ground, and the fallen monsters were all strung on it, dying instantly. (good money)

The gate of Ten Thousand Demons City was already closed, and many people ran to the city wall.

They were shocked when they saw that Chen Feng was so relaxed and stopped the beast swarm.

"Which almighty is this, with his own strength, he stopped the beast tide..."

"This lord, at least the cultivation base of the second rank of heaven and man."

"I'm afraid it's more than that. I heard that this lord is the one who killed the city lord."

"What!! It's actually him?"

"However, he looks so young, probably under twenty years old, right?"

Just when everyone was discussing, from the direction of Wan Yaosen, there was a sudden beast roar.

After the beast roar came, all the monsters stopped.

A huge figure gradually walked out of the Ten Thousand Demon Forest.

"how is this possible!!"

"Could it be that God wants to destroy my Wan Yao City?".

Chapter 4 The world knows everything (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Isn't this a seventh-order monster, Lumen Thunder Flame Bear?"

"Why do the seventh-order monsters come out of the inner circle of Wan Yaosen?!!"

"My God!! Run, the seventh-order Lumen Thunder Flame Bear is equivalent to the strength of the True Monarch Realm!!"

Above the city wall, there were constant discussions.


Another beast roar, accompanied by this beast roar, Lumen Lei Yanxiong directly rushed over, crossed the magma river, smashed the ice wall, and came to Chen Feng.

However, its speed did not decrease, but increased, and it rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng, who usually doesn't use weapons much, took out his sword directly.

After accumulating a little strength, he swung forward, and a sword energy followed.

The Lumen Thunder Flame Bear couldn't dodge in time, and was directly slashed on the head by the sword qi.

However, it was a seventh-order monster after all. It was hit directly in the head. It took a few steps back, shook its head, and continued to attack Chen Feng.

"Cut, the skin is really thick."

Chen Feng could clearly see that when the sword qi hit its head, a layer of light yellow mask helped it block it, so it was unscathed.

Seeing that the blow had no effect, Chen Feng charged up with the sword.


Since the fifth-order monster, the spiritual wisdom has been produced, and the spiritual wisdom of the seventh-order spiritual beast is no different from that of ordinary people.

Seeing 583 Chen Feng rushing over, Lu Ming Lei Yanxiong flashed a sarcastic look in his eyes, his body stopped suddenly, and he stood up. The two bear paws were attached with the pale yellow light just now, and shot towards Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw this, he didn't hide, and stabbed him with a sword.

"Why doesn't he hide!!"

"It's over, it's over!! The City of Ten Thousand Demons is over."

"Go back and pack up and go out through another city gate!!"


Just when people thought that Chen Feng was killed by Lumen Lei Yanxiong, a scream full of pain rang out.

Hearing this sound, people stopped running away and turned to look.

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