I saw Chen Feng standing on the body of Lumen Lei Yanxiong, the sword in his hand was already inserted into the top of its head, and the sword body was completely submerged in its body.


Lumen Lei Yanxiong roared angrily, trying to knock Chen Feng down from his body.

But it forgot that the sword in Chen Feng's hand was inserted into its head at the moment.

This move directly messed up his mind.

Gradually, Lu Ming Lei Yanxiong's struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally, he fell directly to the ground.

"This, did this kill the Lumen Thunder Flame Bear?"

"Really killed!! Look, the Lumen Thunder Flame Bear has stopped moving!!!"

"Really, that's great!!"

"The City of Ten Thousand Demons is saved!!"

As soon as the Lumen Thunder Flame Bear fell to the ground, the monsters behind him all retreated.

Pulling out the sword, Chen Feng flew directly back to Ten Thousand Demons City.

The people on the city wall, seeing the monsters, all retreated to Wan Yaosen, and they were completely boiling.

"Long live!!! The beast tide has receded!!!"

"The beast tide has receded!!"

There were even people who secretly ran to the monster beasts that had just been stabbed to death by ice thorns and began to dig the beast core.

Seeing this, everyone rushed over, except for the Lumen Thunder Flame Bear, every monster was dismembered by people.

It's not that no one doesn't want Lumen Thunder Flame Bears, it's because they don't dare.

If this seventh-order monster is not dead, then they are finished.

Chen Feng went straight back to the academy station. At this moment, Fang Qingtong just woke up from a coma.

"Chen Feng!!! You bastard!!!"

Fang Qingtong, who had just woken up, sat up from the bed and scolded directly.

"Who the fuck are you scolding!"

Chapter 4 The world knows everything (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Who the fuck are you scolding!"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Scolding Chen Feng!!"

Fang Qingtong heard this sentence, probably because she just woke up from a coma, her mind was a little out of control, and she said it without thinking.



It wasn't until she heard someone laughing that she came to her senses. She turned to look and found that Chen Feng, Yu Lanmeng, and Han Yide were all there.

"Chen Feng!!!"

Fang Qingtong, who was bitten by Chen Feng again, jumped up from the bed in annoyance and charged towards Chen Feng.

Seeing this, Chen Feng ran out.

"Don't run!!!"

After Fang Qingtong chased out, Chen Feng didn't see the figure, but saw a yard of students.

At this time, when the people in the yard saw Fang Qingtong running out suddenly, they all looked at her in astonishment, not knowing what she was doing.

"You, who saw Chen Feng?"

Fang Qingtong blushed, and asked calmly.

Hearing Fang Qingtong's question, the people in the courtyard all pointed their fingers in one direction.

Fang Qingtong looked in the direction they pointed, and found that it was the direction of the toilet.

Angrily stomping his feet, Fang Qingtong glared at the toilet with gritted teeth, and could only helplessly go back to the room.

As the evening approached, everyone from Qimu Academy had already returned.

"Now, everyone gets on the flying boat first, and after returning to the academy, they start to count their grades."

Following the words of the vice president, everyone boarded the flying boat in batches.

What happened today was too exciting for the people of Wan Yao City.

First, the city owner was killed by Chen Feng, and then came the beast tide.

At a critical moment, the beast tide was eliminated by Chen Feng, and at the same time, a seventh-order monster was also eliminated.

When they learned that Chen Feng was just a freshman at Qimu Academy this year, they were completely shocked.

A sixteen-year-old freshman from Qimu Academy killed the lord of Ten Thousand Demons City and repelled the beast tide led by seventh-order monsters.

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