Soon, the news was spread all over the Immortal Realm.

All of a sudden, the name Chen Feng was known to everyone.

Jishu Pavilion investigated the authenticity of the matter for the first time, and then updated the Tianjiao list.

The number one position is impressively Chen Feng.

At the same time, the tenth position on the Heavenly Ranking of the Earth Immortal World was also replaced by Chen Feng's name.


"Young Master, the Tianjiao ranking has changed."

The main city of Yongsui Mansion, in a luxurious mansion.

A young man was reading in the pavilion in the garden when a servant came over and handed him a jade slip.

"Oh? This time, why did it change so quickly?"

The young man put the book aside and took a sip of tea before picking up the jade slip.

"Not only the Tianjiao list, but also the Tianjiao list has been changed."

The servant lowered his head and continued.

"Well? The list of heaven has actually changed?"

Ling Jue in the hands of the young man paused for a moment, and then continued.

"Maybe someone on the Tianjiao list is on the Tianjiao list."

Ling Jue broke into the jade slip as much as possible, and then a translucent screen appeared on the meeting.

When the young man saw No. [-]'s name, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face suddenly became gloomy.


With a crisp sound, the jade slip was thrown to the ground and shattered. .

Chapter 5 Promotion! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Inside the city of Wufufu, Chen Feng's house.

"What? You said, Feng'er killed the lord of Ten Thousand Demons City and forced the beast tide to retreat?"

Chen Mingxuan stood up abruptly from his chair, stared at the person in front of him in disbelief, and shouted in disbelief.

If the person in front of him was not his old housekeeper, Chen Mingxuan would wonder if he was fooling himself.

"Yes, the Palace Master, more than that, it is said that the one who inspired the Dragon Soul a few days ago was also the Young Palace Master."

Uncle Chen stood aside and said respectfully, with a sincere smile on his face.

"Hahahaha, God bless my Chen family!!"

Chen Mingxuan laughed heartily.

Hearing this news, I felt relieved, and there seemed to be a thin film in my body, which suddenly broke.

A powerful aura suddenly radiated from him.

Just under his relief, he was stuck in the bottleneck of the tenth rank of heaven and man, but he broke open and was promoted to the first rank of Venerable.

"This, this is the Venerable Realm!!!"

Although Chen Bo Xiuwei is not high, he also has the strength of the third rank of heaven and man. At this time, he naturally felt the momentum of Chen Mingxuan and what it represented.

"Hahahaha, okay, okay!!"

An unexpected expression appeared on Chen Mingxuan's face, and he was very pleasantly surprised that he had broken through the Venerable Realm.

"Old Chen, the mansion has been handed over to you in the past two days. I will go to retreat first to stabilize my cultivation."

After speaking, he disappeared in place, leaving Uncle Chen alone in the hall.

Looking at the place where Chen Mingxuan disappeared, Uncle Chen showed a delighted smile again.

"Palace Master, hand over the palace to this old slave in the past two days. You can retreat with peace of mind."

Immediately, he turned and left.

If it is said that in the realm of heaven and human beings, one rank and one layer of heaven, Chen Mingxuan, who has reached the realm of the venerable, can now easily defeat ten people of the tenth rank of heaven and man.

Even if he is only the first rank of Venerable, it is far from being comparable to the realm of heaven and man.

If you walk out of the room now, you can see that the sky is full of visions.

This is the rule of heaven and earth, congratulations on the vision of the birth of the Venerable.

Every time a person is promoted to the Venerable, there will be such a vision, but the movement of the vision is big and small.

However, no matter how big or small the vision is, anyone in the realm of heaven and man can feel it.

This can also be regarded as a kind of announcement from heaven and earth, telling the world that there is a venerable person born.


In the depths of a mountain range in Zhongguang Mansion, there is a dilapidated hall.

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