There are also a few in the Heaven and Human Realm, but when they reach the Heaven and Human Realm, they are all worshipping halls.

Among them, the cultivation base of the great worship is the highest, reaching the cultivation base of the third grade of heaven and man.

At this time, the three people around him were the thugs at the peak of the real world.

However, after listening to the butler's words, the three of them looked at each other and turned around and ran away.

Just kidding, among the people who just rushed out, there are also real people, but they didn't even have a chance to resist, they were solved, how can they fight.

Seeing the three people's reactions, the butler's face turned green with anger.

"Damn it! Yuan Mansion usually feeds and drinks for you to have fun, but when it comes to a critical moment, it actually runs away!!"

With a hard stomping, the butler took out a cloth from his sleeve and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Chen Feng, I warn you, it's because your cultivation base has reached the realm of heaven and man, and the Yuan family is not someone you can call on. I advise you to stop early and talk about it."

As he spoke, his footsteps retreated to the back without a trace.

Chen Feng raised his hand indifferently and sent out a few ice picks.

Seeing this, the butler was so frightened that he slumped to the ground.

Not long after, a roar filled the surrounding air.

Chen Feng saw that this guy was actually scared to pee, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.




Three screams came from behind, making the housekeeper calm down.

At this time, the butler realized that he was not dead.

Turning to look, the three people who had just escaped were all nailed to a house not far away.

Thick ice picks passed directly through their backs, inserted into their bodies, and nailed to the wall.

Chapter 2 is scared to pee (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Thick ice picks passed directly through their backs, inserted into their bodies, and nailed to the wall.

Not the slightest blood flowed out, because the cold air on the ice pick had completely frozen them.

Cold sweat, can no longer restrain the bubbling out.

Since the housekeeper took this position, in Yulong City, it can almost be said that the wind is the wind and the rain is the rain.

Basically, no one can defy him.

After all, he still has the right to mobilize those loose cultivators.

Ordinary people cultivating, the big deal is that it is amazing to cultivate to a state of concentration.

You know, cultivation is very expensive.

If you don't have money, you have to rely on talent.

But how many talented people are there in this world?

Therefore, it is destined that most people can only stop before the real world.

Otherwise, relying on the thugs in the real world, how could he be arrogant in this big Royal Dragon City?

"You, who are you!!"

Unable to take it any longer, the butler looked at Chen Feng in fear and roared hysterically.

"A lot of nonsense!"

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and Chen Feng ignored him.

He walked straight towards Yuan Mansion, and after he passed, the butler breathed a sigh of relief.

He found that Chen Feng didn't kill him, which meant that he had survived.

However, when he bowed his head, he was instantly desperate.

I saw a layer of light hoarfrost covering his entire lower body.

And, it is gradually spreading upwards.

Looking at the dozen or so ice sculptures in front of him with ashen faces, he gradually became one of them.

Chen Feng walked slowly to the front of the Yuan family gate, looked up at the plaque with the words Yuan Fu written on it, sneered, and walked inside with his feet raised.

As for things outside, there is no one to live, so now in Yuan Mansion, what should be done is still doing, without the slightest worry.

From their point of view, the housekeeper is leading so many adults in the real world 473, and there are three adults at the peak of the real world. It is not an easy task to win a small loose cultivator.

However, when Chen Feng kicked the door open and walked in, they were all stunned.

"Stop! Who are you! Do you know the consequences of trespassing in Yuan's residence..."

Before Chen Feng could take two steps, a servant next to him pointed at Chen Feng and shouted loudly.

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