Seeing this servant, Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

A small servant can be so arrogant that he can't see the difference in strength, which fully explains the Yuan family's status in Yulong City.

Before he could finish speaking, he was frozen.

When he passed by, Chen Feng stretched out his finger and lightly tapped on it.


There was a soft moaning sound, and then, the man was broken into countless pieces.

Naturally, the hand pointing at Chen Feng was also broken.

This scene made everyone present stunned.

After a brief silence, a loud noise suddenly erupted, and everyone fled.


"Enemy attack!! There is an enemy attack!!!!"

"Go and report to the master!!"


Chapter 3 Grand Summoning (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"Who is it!! Dare to trespass into Yuan Mansion, are you impatient?"

Just when Chen Feng was about to arrest someone to inquire about the news, another person suddenly jumped out and pointed at Chen Feng and shouted angrily.

Seeing this person, Chen Feng became a little impatient.

Okay, since you don't know where it is, let's kill it, until the main lord comes out.

Anyway, for Chen Feng, killing someone is just moving a finger, no, it should be just moving a thought, it couldn't be easier.

After all, he has already completely defeated most people by relying only on the ability of frozen fruit.

Except for those with a higher cultivation level than the higher ones, otherwise, those with a lower cultivation level than him would be able to freeze the opponent directly.

In this way, one Chen Feng freezes one, and at the back, basically no one dares to approach Chen Feng.

When he was about to look for it in person, an attack silently attacked him.

Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the hidden man.

Pulling hard to the outside, I saw a person appearing in the air out of thin air.

"You, how could you possibly have found me!!"

The man was covered in black, and his eyes were full of horror.

Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and dismissed his words.

Just kidding, isn't it a stealth technique that involves a bit of space?

For Chen Feng, who has the ability to shake the fruit and the fruit of the door, it is not too simple to feel the fluctuations in space.

"No, don't kill me!!"

That person, apparently seeing the killing intent in Chen Feng's eyes, immediately became frightened and begged for mercy.

"I, I can train dead soldiers for you! I am one of the trainers of Yuan Jiayingwei!!"

Ignoring him, cold air spewed out of his hands, directly wrapping the man.

The cold air dissipated, and another ice sculpture appeared in his hand.

When he threw it away, there was a crisp cracking sound, and a pile of broken ice cubes appeared on the ground.

"Your Excellency, it's a good move'"."

Yuan Pengyi came over slowly from a distance. It was impossible for him not to know what happened in the front yard.

However, he can't sit still anymore.

If it goes on like this, the people in his Yuan residence are afraid that they will be killed.

When Chen Feng saw the main lord coming out, he clapped his hands and made a random move, and a rattan chair in the distance flew over.

He sat down and leaned on the rattan chair, Chen Feng said lazily.

"Hehe, each other, if you don't send someone to trouble me, how can I come to the door."

Yuan Pengyi frowned when he heard Chen Feng's words.

He couldn't remember when he sent someone to trouble Chen Feng.

"Can't remember? Let me give you a hint, Wan Yaosen."

Seeing that he thought about it for a long time, Chen Feng couldn't think of it, so he had to remind him aloud.

"Wan Yaosen?"

Yuan Pengyi still frowned when he heard this word, and his mind was spinning quickly.

Soon, he remembered it, raised his head abruptly, looked at Chen Feng, his eyes seemed to shoot fire.

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