Real second product...


Ten real people...

Advance to the Heavenly Realm! !

One of a kind...

It was not until the seventh grade of heaven and man that it stopped.

However, the distance to the Seventh Rank of Heaven and Man is getting closer.

As long as he stabilizes his cultivation base, it is basically the same.

Just after he finished refining the energy, the mutation happened again.

I saw the red light on the jade card, still faintly emerging.

Suddenly, the jade token exploded, and a phantom flew out of it, directly entering Yuan Pengyi's body.

Under the impact of the phantom, Yuan Pengyi fell directly to the ground, his eyes rolled, and he kept twitching.

Chen Feng looked at Yuan Pengyi, who was lying on the ground, thoughtfully.

After a while, Yuan Pengyi on the ground stopped twitching and sat up slowly.

"Boy, when my ancestors and I were fighting over a thousand years ago, I was never forced into such a field. Now, only my consciousness is left to protect my Yuan family from being destroyed."

Yuan Pengyi, no, he should be called the ancestor of the Yuan family now.

He lowered his head, with a red breath coming from his body, and said in a gloomy tone.

"However, you are the first to force my ancestors to be like this, so you can die with honor!!"

With that said, the aura of the Yuan family ancestor began to soar.

The cultivation base is also surging all the way, and it has not stopped when it reaches the Venerable Realm, and it is still improving, but the increase is much slower.

It didn't stop until the level of the fourth rank of Venerable.

Chen Feng didn't care about this.

Just now, the ancestor of the Yuan family was not an entity, so the boring seal was useless to him, but now.

"You have an entity, right?"

The thoughtless words made the ancestor of the Yuan family stunned.

Suddenly, he thought of the sealing technique Chen Feng had just used, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"Well, it seems that I thought of it, so let's not waste time."

Chapter 5 will not die if you don't make it (5/1, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Well, it seems that I thought of it, so let's not waste time."

With that said, the Spirit Jue in Chen Feng's hands quickly changed, and the Martial Arts God Seal was hit again.

This time, because the ancestor of the Yuan family had directly seized Yuan Pengyi, there was no way to leave now. He could only watch helplessly as the golden chains formed by the divine seal of martial arts entered his body one by one.

After a while, the ancestor of the Yuan family changed from the fourth rank of Venerable to an ordinary person without the slightest cultivation.

Not only the cultivation base, but even the divine consciousness was sealed.

Seeing this dramatic scene, Chen Feng couldn't help showing a mocking smile.

This guy, successfully deduced what it means, if you don't die, you won't die.

Frozen the ancestors of the Yuan family, and a little bit of it will become a piece of the ground.

After dealing with the ancestors of the Yuan family, Chen Feng flew into the air, and then threw several large magma balls towards the Yuan residence.

Looking at Yuan's mansion which was constantly burning in the fire, Chen Feng released the flying boat and left Yulong City.

After flying in one direction for a while, I encountered another city, but this city is not as big as Yulong City.

Looking at the sky, it was already relatively late, Chen Feng directly took the flying boat, and took advantage of the night to fly into the city.

I just found a restaurant and ordered some dishes to eat there.

No matter which world it is, restaurants, bars, and pubs are always the places where news flows the fastest.

No, just sitting down for a while, Chen Feng heard the person next to him say something.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????????

I saw one of them on the table next to him, looked around, and said in a low voice.

"Hey, have you heard that there is a treasure on the mountain to the west."

Although his voice was low, it was still heard by Chen Feng.

Hearing his words, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then slowed down the frequency of eating and listened to their speech carefully.

"A treasure? What treasure?"

His companions are obviously also very interested. After all, if there is really any treasure, if you get one back and sell it, it is estimated that you will not have to worry about food and clothing in this life.

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