"I don't know. I heard from them. It seems that a jade slip was dug up, but because there is a seal on it, I can't check it."

"Che, what's this, isn't it just a jade slip, I can buy you a dozen yuan from any communication shop."


"Hey, listen to me."

As soon as the other person refuted that person, he was a little anxious, and his voice increased a little.

But after that, he lowered his voice again, turned his head to look, saw that no one noticed them, and then continued.

"I heard that they dug down again, and guess what."

"what happened?"

Obviously, the curiosity of his companions was mobilized by him.

The man smiled complacently, and wanted to sell him off, with an unfathomable look.

Finally, at the urging of others, I began to speak.

"They seem to have dug up an underground ruin, but because of the barrier, they can't get in."

But as soon as he said these words, he was immediately despised by several people.

"What can you say if you can't get in? I thought it would be any good."

"That's right, what can you say if you can't get in?"

"Stop talking, drink and drink, this time you pay the bill."

The person just now was embarrassed, but when he heard them say that, he was suddenly stunned.

"Why do I pay the bill?"

"Who asked you to say those useless things and waste everyone's time."

"That's right, you pay the bill, you're done."

In the end, that person had no choice but to accept this fact.

Chen Feng, who was sitting on the side, listened to their words word for word.

Hearing it behind, he laughed dumbly.

"The ruins? Let's go and have a look after dinner."

Chapter 1 Underground Palace (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Chen Feng eats slowly. After he finished eating, it was already bright night outside. (Bookstore shu05.com)

I slowly walked out of the city, and when I went out of the city gate, I saw the man who was talking about the ruins in the restaurant just now.

However, he was alone.

At this moment, this person was walking out with a look of anger, cursing while walking.

"What a bunch of things, they insist on me paying the bill, what else do you say because I wasted time, what kind of stuff!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng smiled directly.

These people are really funny.

However, Chen Feng didn't care, he used his body technique and flew towards the address he just heard.

The place is not far, and it will fly there soon.

Standing in the air, Chen Feng looked down and found that it was not a big mountain as he imagined, but a "[-]" hill that was only [-] meters high.

He landed on the ground with a little doubt, and his consciousness instantly filled the entire mountain.

After searching for a while, I found the place that the mouth said.

Looking down from above, there is a little light.

He jumped directly from the hole, and after a while, the brightness increased greatly, and Chen Feng could also see what was below.

Through a layer of pale white mask, Chen Feng saw that there was a group of palaces that were not too small.

Just when he was about to take a closer look, Chen Feng suddenly saw that there were black shadows in the palace complex, shuttled in and out of them at an extremely fast speed.

This discovery aroused Chen Feng's curiosity even more.

"System, crack this barrier."

[Analyzing the barrier... The analysis is complete...]

[Start to crack...]

[Cracked successfully. 】

As the system's voice fell, Chen Feng only felt that his feet were empty, and the whole person began to fall down.

With a slight movement of spiritual power, the whole person stopped falling and floated in mid-air.

Since the palace complex is underground, the brightness is not very good.

I could see things just now because the light emitted by the enchantment could just illuminate a part of it.

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