Now that the barrier has been cracked, naturally there is no light source.


Slowly landing on the ground, Chen Feng heard a strange sound.

Like the sound of a snake, but not like a snake.

He snapped his fingers, and a ball of light appeared on Chen Feng's fingertips.

Although the light sphere is not large, the brightness is amazing.

Basically, within ten meters of Chen Feng's body, he can see clearly.

At this time, Chen Feng saw what the thing that made a sound was.

When he fell just now, he fell on the road intertwined between the palaces.

Next to it is a small palace, and the wall of the palace is densely covered with a strange creature.

The body is like a snake, but the head is a very strange shape.

Although it didn't feel like there was any threat, the walls were full of monsters like this, which made Chen Feng feel goosebumps.

Throwing a magma ball to the wall, the group of monsters rioted instantly.

Keep swimming, away from the magma ball.

After losing a few more, the monsters on this palace all ran to other places.

Chapter 1 The Underground Palace (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After losing a few more, the monsters on this palace all ran to other places.

At this time, Chen Feng was able to see what the palace looked like.

The shape is very Arabian style, but it also combines some characteristics of this world, and it looks quite novel.

However, Chen Feng's attention was not on this at this time. What he most wanted to know now was what kind of existence this palace group was.

Walking to the front door of the palace, with a slight push, the entire door collapsed.

Chen Feng strolled in and found a brazier hanging on the wall.

A small ball of magma condensed and threw it into the brazier.

At this moment, other places in the palace also lit up.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, but then he recovered.

Linked formations like this are quite common in Earth Immortal Realm.

In the school, there are such street lights.

At night, someone will light a street lamp, and then all the ones behind it will be lit.

However, apart from the one that Chen Feng ignited, the fire was red because of the magma.

The rest are burning with faint blue flames.

After strolling around this small palace, there was nothing to gain, so Chen Feng left here directly.

After visiting a few small palaces, I found nothing...  

So, Chen Feng walked straight towards the largest palace at the end of the road.

When we were halfway there, we came across a square, and it just so happened that there was also a brazier on the square.

However, this brazier is relatively high and relatively large. Chen Feng speculates that it may be used to illuminate the square.

The same mass of magma was thrown up, but this mass of magma was about the size of this basin.

After the magma entered the brazier, a violent flame suddenly rose up.

As this flame burned, the entire palace complex began to light up.

That is the top of the palace, I don't know what is glowing, it may be related to this brazier on the square.

After all the places were clearly photographed, Chen Feng suddenly found out.

All the monsters on the palace have disappeared. I don't know if they were hidden or where they went. Anyway, I can't see a single one of them now.

Using his divine sense to investigate, he found no trace of those monsters. Chen Feng simply ignored it and continued to walk towards the palace at the end of the road.

As the distance got closer, the palace was gradually exposed in front of Chen Feng's eyes.

After seeing the whole picture of the palace, Chen Feng was completely stunned.

Because, this palace is a bit outrageous.

The Majin Oz in the One Piece world is big enough, but he estimates that the Majin Oz is at most two-thirds the height of the palace gate at 5.5.

Looking up, the top of this palace is already on the top floor.

Suddenly, Chen Feng discovered that this palace actually had a plaque.

After taking a few steps back, I saw the words above.

However, it may have been a long time since he hesitated, or for some other reason. The words above can only be seen in the giant characters in the middle, and the others cannot be seen clearly.

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