"You are continuing to walk back, and I am at the innermost."

Chen Feng heard the words, looked around, and found that there was still a way behind (Zhao Qian's).

Spreading out his divine consciousness, he walked in while exploring.

It didn't take long for it to come to an end.

There is a door here. Chen Feng wanted to use his divine sense to explore what was behind the door, but was blocked by a force.

There was no other way, Chen Feng had no choice but to reach out and push the door.

As soon as his hand touched the door, the door opened.

Here is an empty hall with only one statue in it.

However, this statue is only the size of an ordinary person.

"Come in, I can't remember how long I haven't seen anyone."

Hearing the voice again, Chen Feng looked around suspiciously, but there was no one except this statue.

"Don't look for it, I'm right in front of you."

"You are this statue?".

Chapter 4 Brother is just a legend (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

"Is it weird? A statue can still talk. (book=-house*0small-}speak-+net)"

"No, I'm just curious, how did you become a statue."

Chen Feng shrugged and said indifferently.

"Tell me, you just drove me away, and now let me come over, you have to give me a reason?"

"I drove you away because the Brahmins were here, and I didn't want to let the tragedy happen. Now, you've solved all the Brahmas, so this is naturally not a problem."

Hearing this, Chen Feng was speechless.

After doing it for a long time, I was pretending to be a god and a ghost, and it was because of this.

"Uh, of course, these Brahma devils are basically invincible existences to other people."

The statue seemed to be a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Chen Feng to be so strong. He single-handedly solved these basically unsolved Brahma demons.

"After talking for a long time, what exactly is this Brahma? Why is it here?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, the statue was silent for a while before continuing.

"Have you seen the murals in the front hall?"

After seeing Chen Feng nod, he continued.

"I'll start from the beginning."


587 According to the guidance of the statue, Chen Feng destroyed the formation here, which can be regarded as liberating the soul in the statue.

Afterwards, he wandered around the palace again, and found nothing of value. Chen Feng turned and left here.

From the description of the statue, Chen Feng knew the origin of the Brahma and the significance of the existence of these palaces.

However, that information, for now, is basically useless.

After all, it is impossible for him to break the space, just use a space coordinate, and then go to the upper world.

Although it is said that he has the body of a demon, he can basically ignore all attacks.

However, you can't just keep being beaten or keep running, right?

When I got back to the ground, I realized that it was almost noon.

Chen Feng thought about it for a while, and threw a large wave of magma from the entrance of the cave, and then completely collapsed the hill before leaving.

After all, although the Brahma has been killed by him, don't forget that there are some other monsters below.

In order to prevent those monsters from slipping out, Chen Feng couldn't care less about the movement.

On the way back to the city, many people looked at the hill in the distance in astonishment. It collapsed little by little, and finally turned into a big pit.

As the hill collapsed, a huge roar followed, and the ground began to vibrate violently.

After entering the city, I randomly found a restaurant to eat something.

I found a seat by the window and sat down. While waiting for the food, I habitually listened to what the people next to me were talking about.

When he heard what other people were talking about, he almost spit out the tea he just took a sip.

I only heard that the people around were not talking about the genocide of Yuanfu in Yulongcheng, or the collapse of the hill.

I originally wanted to hear if there was any new news, but all I heard was his own business, which made Chen Feng a little embarrassed.

It's embarrassing to be embarrassed, and he also wants to hear other people's opinions on these two things.

As a result, when he heard this, he was stunned by the content. He couldn't even imagine that he was like this. ,

For example, at the table next to him, a bearded man said something exaggeratedly.

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