"Did you know, the relatives of my brother-in-law's brother-in-law's sister-in-law's nephew's friend was in Yulong City at the time, and he witnessed how the Yuan family ended."

"Really? Let's talk about it, the Yuan family is the number one of the three aristocratic families in the Martial House, so it's over after you say it?"

"Yes, hurry up and say it."

"Don't give a shit, hurry up and say it!!"

Chapter 4 is just a legend (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Don't give a shit, hurry up and say it!!"

The people next to him couldn't wait to talk to him.

"(bfah) If there is no alcohol, it's a bit unpleasant to say."

Seeing them like this, the smug look on his face became even stronger.

"Isn't it just wine, easy to handle."

A person next to him, who is probably in a hurry, said impatiently.

"Little Er, have a pot..."

"This wine, or plum blossom wine is delicious..."

Before the man's words were finished, he heard the bearded man saying indifferently.

There was a hint of impatience in the man's eyes, but he wanted to know what happened, so he had to speak again.

"Little Er, bring a pot of plum wine!"

Not long after, Xiao Er came over with a pot of plum wine.

As soon as Beard saw the plum wine, he couldn't wait to pour himself a glass.

After taking a sip, he squinted his eyes for a while.

"Good wine! As expected of plum blossom wine."

As he said that, he picked up the jug and was about to pour a glass, but was stopped by the person next to him.

"What are you doing!"

The bearded man looked to the side dissatisfied, and was about to scold the man.

As a result, after he turned his head, he saw several people looking at him with anger.

"Hurry up and say, if you don't say it, don't drink it."

With that said, the person next to him took away the pot of plum wine.

"Yes, speak up!"

Several other people also urged him with anger.

"Uh, fine."

The bearded man shrank his head angrily, looked at the plum blossom wine and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then reluctantly looked away and said.

"Do you know how the Yuan family ended?"

Several other people thought for a while and said.

"I heard that it was defeated by a teenager?"

"Isn't it? I heard that it was an old gentleman from the real monarch realm who destroyed the Yuan family."

"No, I heard it was..."

A few people fought for a while, and then I remembered, there is real hammer news next to this, what are you fighting for here.

As a result, several people stopped arguing and looked at him straight, waiting for him to say the answer.

"You're all wrong, and you're all right."

Beard shook his head, and then said mysteriously.

"Wrong and right? What do you mean?"

The other people looked at each other, not knowing what he meant.

"It is said that the Yuan family was destroyed by a young Tianjiao who was only sixteen years old."

When the moustache said these words, there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

He has heard this news for a long time, but every time he thinks about it, he will feel very incredible. .

Chapter 5 Mysterious Woman (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"What? Sixteen?"

"how is this possible!!"

"At the age of sixteen, he destroyed the entire Yuan family with one person, ~ are you kidding me?"

"Even if he started to cultivate in his mother's womb, he wouldn't necessarily have such a high level of cultivation, would he-?"

The person next to the beard has the words _don't believe it written all over his face.

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