"You're not lying to us, are you? Actually, you don't know anything, just for this pot of plum wine, right?"

The man who just asked for the drink said suspiciously.

"What am I lying to you for? Go to the Heaven's Pride List and see. The first is that person. I heard that he is also on the Earth List."

When the bearded man heard this, he instantly seemed to be insulted, and his face flushed with anxiety.

"Huh? Really?"

When several other people heard this, they couldn't help but believe it.

"Why don't you guys believe it?"

Beards were still a little unconvinced when they saw that, and immediately became more anxious. He took a jade slip directly from his arms and patted it on the table.

"See for yourself! Remember to pay off all the money for this table of wine and food!!"

Beard was very dissatisfied with their disbelief in themselves.

After playing Lingjue, he grabbed the wine and drank it.

Those people looked at each other, and they could see the suspicious look in each other's eyes.

Then, everyone looked at the picture projected by the jade slip on the table.

Since the Beard had turned to the bottom when he checked it last time, the names of the thirtieth people were displayed on the screen.

However, none of these names has changed, they flipped upwards, and more than two dozen have not changed.

Tenth, no change.

Until the first place, they were surprised to find that it was an unfamiliar name.

Chen Feng!

"Look! It's really changed!!"

"This is true!!!"

"Looks like this guy didn't lie."

As soon as those people saw the first place, they immediately shouted in amazement, and immediately attracted the attention of the others at nine o'clock.

Seeing that people were all looking at their side, these people calmed down immediately, complained angrily to their surroundings, and sat down.

"Old Hu, this news is true, you are really powerful."

Beard glanced at them unhappily, and continued to drink his own wine, ignoring them.

"Uh, old Hu, you see we didn't do it on purpose, don't mind."

"That's right, don't we believe you too."

"I'll give out the money for this table!"

Hearing this, Beard laughed.

"Why are you being so polite, come and come, I will continue to tell you."

"Speaking of which, Chen Feng, when he went to Yulong City..."

Listening to what they said, Chen Feng couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

He listened to what this group of people said from beginning to end, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Just as the food arrived, Chen Feng stopped listening and started to eat.

Just when he was eating, Xiaobai, who had been dormant until now because of his severe injuries, got out of his clothes.

"Well? Are you awake? Is your injury better?"

"En, big rascal, I want to eat."

Xiaobai stared at the food on the table intently, and said with saliva.

When Xiaobai was in Wan Yaosen before, he only ate fruit, and never ate human food at all. Now that he asked about the fragrance, he was instantly captured.

Chapter 5 Mysterious Woman (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When Xiaobai was in Wan Yaosen before, he only ate fruit, and never ate human food at all. Now that he asked about the fragrance, he was instantly captured.

"Then eat it, if it's not enough, I'll order a few more dishes."

With that said, Chen Feng put Xiao Bai on the table, and called Xiao Er over to order a few more dishes.

While eating, Chen Feng realized that something was wrong, because the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Curiously, he looked up, but found that everyone was staring at him. To be more precise, it was Xiaobai who was eating.

Don't say, Xiaobai's appearance is really good, basically wherever he goes, he will attract people's attention.

Discovering this, Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

His face turned cold, he snorted coldly, and the imposing manner of a real person instantly enveloped the entire restaurant.

Everyone felt this momentum, and they couldn't help shivering, and turned their heads quickly, daring to look again.

Seeing this, Chen Feng withdrew his momentum and began to eat his own.

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