After eating, Chen Feng opened a room and prepared to take a rest before going elsewhere.

Just as he went upstairs, a masked girl walked into the hotel.

As soon as she came in, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

However, the woman seemed to be used to this kind of thing and came to the counter without caring.

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"Boss, give me a first-class guest room."

The woman knocked on the table and said to the boss, while observing the people around her, she seemed to be looking for someone.

Just when the boss handed her the room sign, the woman asked again.

"Boss, has anyone in your store been special recently?"

Saying that, he handed him a purple crystal coin.

As soon as the boss saw the purple crystal coin, his eyes suddenly glowed, he took the crystal coin calmly, lowered his head, pretended to settle accounts, and said inadvertently.

"Today, a young man came, opened a first-class guest room, and brought a pure white fox with him. It seems that his cultivation base is quite high. I wonder if this person is a special person?"

Hearing the boss's words, the woman's eyes lit up, then nodded with satisfaction, and handed a purple crystal coin again.

"Forget it, thank you boss."

After that, I took the room card and was ready to go back to the room.

Just took two steps, but came back.

"Boss, I don't know where my room is?"

Saying that, he winked at the boss.

The boss nodded knowingly, and took out a house sign again.

The woman was even more satisfied when she saw that the boss was so knowledgeable.

His hand went deep into the purse, took out five amethyst coins directly, and put them into the boss's hands.

The boss saw that the guest was so generous, and there was only a gap left in his smiling eyes.

"Guest officer, you are too polite, do you want me to take you to your room?"

The woman shook her head and turned to leave.

The boss watched the woman go upstairs, and then looked at the amethyst coin in his hand.

Seven amethyst coins, he opened the store for half a year, and he didn't earn so much.

I looked around, no one noticed him, and quickly put away the amethyst coins, for fear that someone would rob him.

After Chen Feng returned to the room, Xiaobai slipped out of his arms.

"Damn! Why don't you let Xiaobai come out, you're going to suffocate me, you know!!"

As soon as Xiaobai came out, he glared at him angrily, as if something had happened to Chen Feng.

"Okay, okay, didn't this let you out? You just came out to eat, and I didn't see so many people looking at you."

Chen Feng comforted it a few words, and then took out a few spiritual fruits, which made it calm down. .

Chapter 1 Three Women Walking Together (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Chen Feng, who was about to take a rest, suddenly felt a move, and the whole person disappeared from the room.

When it reappeared, it was already in the secret realm that had been integrated with the system space.

After entering, he was stunned.

Because next to the Huntian Tower, I don't know when, an exquisite two-story wooden house appeared.

And Liu Xia'er, Nami, and Joe Ellie Bonney were busy outside.

But seeing how the three of them were talking and laughing, it seemed that they got along pretty well.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng felt relieved.

What he was most afraid of was that the three women would not accept anyone, and it would be a mess.

Nami and Joelie Bonnie are okay, after all, they both belong to the same world.

But I didn't expect that the three of them would get along so well.

The three "[-]" people also seemed to be moved, and looked at Chen Feng at the same time.

"Lord Tiandi!!"

"Chen Feng!!"

"Brother Feng!!"

After seeing him, they all shouted in unison, their voices full of surprises.

Then they looked at each other and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng opened his arms and hugged them all into his arms, smelling the different scents on the three of them, feeling that he didn't want to go out again.

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