"Well? Xiaobai, did you speak?"

Chen Feng, who vaguely heard something, looked at Xiao Bai suspiciously, but what he got was a blank eye.

Xiaobai jumped and came to Liu Xia'er's shoulder.

Nami and Bonnie looked at Liu Xia'er enviously, then walked to her side and teased Xiaobai together.

After a while, everyone left the restaurant and went shopping.

When they came to the street, Nami and Bonnie's exotic looks naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Until I went to a store where I bought clothes, it was a lot of eyesight.

Entering the clothing store, Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his strength is very high at 1.5, the feeling of stabbing eyes is really unpleasant, but if he can't go to biubiubiu, he will kill people, which is a bit uncomfortable.

Therefore, Chen Feng decided to put veils on all three of them later.

First, it saves the attention of most people, and secondly, her own woman needs to show others the wool.

When they came to the clothing store, driven by their beauty-loving nature, the three girls completely threw Chen Feng aside.

Looking at the three girls who kept holding clothes on their bodies, a sense of satisfaction rose from the bottom of my heart.

Suddenly a sharp voice rang from the door.

"Liu Gongzi, look, people want to buy clothes, why are there so many pariahs here, you can drive them out, they will change clothes in the store for you to see."

Chapter 2 Refine Tiandi (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Chen Feng's face sank when he heard the sound, and then he looked at the door.

I saw a young man in blue walked in with a lovely-looking girl, followed by a team of six or seven guards.

"If Miss Xu wants to, she will have them all kicked out immediately, leaving only you and me, and buy all the clothes in this store and let you try it on me."

Chen Feng looked at those two people with cold eyes, didn't move, and didn't plan to pay attention to them.

If you really want to provoke him, no matter what you are, I will just cut it off.

"Wow!! What a cute fox!!"

As soon as he closed his eyes, Chen Feng heard such a sentence and sighed helplessly.

Trouble, still came to the door.

Opening her eyes, she saw that Miss Xu was looking at Xiaobai on Chen Feng's shoulder with a happy face.

"Miss Xu likes it, so I will buy this pet for her and give it to Miss Xu."

The blue-clothed Young Master Liu said something to Miss Xu with a gentle look on his face, 18 then turned to Chen Feng, and after sizing it up, his face showed disdain.

"Hey, pariah! Sell me your pet and I'll give it to you..."

Before he could finish his words, he noticed that a lingering killing intent enveloped him.

The cold sweat instantly flowed down like rain.

At this time, he didn't dare to move, for fear that the man in front of him would kill himself in a fit of rage.

It didn't take long for the killing intent to disappear.

"Don't sell it. Besides, I'm in a good mood now and don't want to kill anyone, but if you bother me again, go to the underworld to repent."

Glancing at him coldly, Chen Feng closed his eyes again.

After Chen Feng closed his eyes, Young Master Liu breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Chen Feng with lingering fears, turned around and was about to leave, but was held back by the girl Xu.

Since Chen Feng's killing intent just now was only aimed at this young master Liu, that girl Xu didn't feel anything wrong.

She just saw that Liu Gongzi was stunned for a while, then his face became a little pale, and then he was about to leave.

She was willing to do this, so naturally she held him back.

"Hey, Young Master Liu, people want this little fox, why don't you help them get it from this pariah? It's a big deal, they'll let you deal with it at night..."

Hearing her words, Liu Gongzi felt a little moved in his heart, but when he thought of the terrifying killing intent just now, his whole body trembled.

Looking at that girl Xu again, she is not as attractive as before.

I cursed a slut in my heart, but I had to maintain my demeanor and said gently.

"Miss Xu, didn't we just say that we won't sell it? We can't be hard on others. If you really like it, there just happened to be an auction in Tianren Palace recently. Where can we go and have a look?"

After hearing this, Miss Xu hesitated for a while, but when she saw Xiao Bai, she shook her head resolutely.

"No, Young Master Liu, this is what people want."

Hearing this, Young Master Liu carefully glanced at Chen Feng, but found that Chen Feng was squinting at him at this moment.

Suddenly, she was shocked, her face changed greatly, she threw her hand away, and shouted angrily.

"MD, isn't she just a bitch, pretending to be pure, come here, take her away for me, and send her to Yichun Courtyard. If you want to send sao, I will let you send her a good one."

Miss Xu looked at this Young Master Liu, who had always been responsive to her needs, with a look of astonishment, and did not understand why he would say such a thing.

It wasn't until the guard behind Liu Gongzi stepped forward and held her that he reacted and shouted loudly.

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