"Liu Gongzi, why are you doing this to me? I don't want it, okay? I beg you, don't send me to Yichun Courtyard, I, I'll give it to you when I go back, don't send me to Yichun hospital!!"

Liu Gongzi hesitated after listening to her words.

Chapter 2 Refining the Heavenly Emperor (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Liu Gongzi hesitated after listening to her words.

But when he thought of Chen Feng's cold eyes and the terrifying killing intent, he gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and let the guards pull the girl away.

After the guards pulled the girl away, Young Master Liu turned around and wanted to leave, but after a pause, he turned back.

When he came to Chen Feng, he reached out and cupped his hand towards Chen Feng and said.

"Under Liu De, I have offended you a lot just now, please forgive me."

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear a response. Looking up, Chen Feng still closed his eyes.

This Liu De is also a sensible person. Seeing that Chen Feng didn't want to take care of himself, he simply surrendered again, turned around and left.

After they all left, Chen Feng opened his eyes.

"Tianren House auction? I'm so bored."

There are still more than two months before the Earth Immortal World Academy Competition, and I just happened to be strolling in this Immortal World by the way.

Anyway, in terms of his current cultivation, he could go anywhere in the Immortal Realm.

Some time ago, Chen Feng collected a forest of spirit fruits and a large piece of spirit plants. With the help of these things, Liu Xia'er and the three daughters had already reached the state of concentration.

If Nami and Bonnie's own abilities are counted, they can almost be tied with the real ones.

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about the next arrangement, the three girls had already changed their clothes and walked out of the fitting room.

Chen Feng turned his head to look, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

I saw the three women wearing the same style, but different colors, and standing there, it was simply a beautiful landscape.

"Not bad, very beautiful."

The three girls also laughed happily when they heard Chen Feng's praise.


After paying the bill, Chen Feng asked the boss for three veils and put them on.

I was so eye-catching just now on the street, and now I have put on better clothes. If I don't block it, I'm afraid I won't be surrounded.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's choice was correct.

I saw four people walking on the street, and the people on the street were all attracted by the three girls.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng secretly rejoiced.

If they didn't find a veil for them, I'm afraid that the three of them have been surrounded by crazy passers-by, and they can't move.

With a few women, I left here quickly and came outside the city.

"Huh, it's finally better."

As soon as they left the city, there were fewer people, and it was finally better at this time.

Chen Feng took a breath and released the flying boat.

After getting on the flying boat, Nami turned around on the flying boat and said.

"Well? Is this the flying boat? It's not as big as the Tiandi."

Hearing Nami's words, Chen Feng remembered that he still has a boat.

If you re-refined the method of refining your own ship, it might not be better than this flying boat.

Running to Nami's side, hugging her and kissing her fiercely, Chen Feng entered the secret realm directly.

Nami touched her mouth in confusion, wondering what was going on in Chen Feng's madness. .

Chapter 4 Good, very big! ! (5/[-] please subscribe, please customize)

Just when the others were a little bored, Chen Feng appeared again with an obvious happy expression on his face.

"Why did you go?"

As soon as she saw Chen Feng, Nami ran over and complained.

There was nothing on the flying boat, so he could only wait here for Chen Feng bored.

Because, even Liu Xia'er didn't know the special law for flying a boat.

If there is no law, the flying boat will not move.

Chen Feng smiled mysteriously, and then released the re-refined Tiandi.

Apart from the absence of the mast on the previous boat, nothing else has changed much. In addition, there is more charm than before.

Take the faucet on the bow as an example, it is more agile than before, and there is an inexplicable pressure emanating from the faucet.

"This, this is the Tiandi?"

The three women, including a fox, were stunned.

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