When Xiaobai saw the dragon head on the bow of the Tiandi, he even shuddered unconsciously, then turned around and got into Chen Feng's arms.

Chen Feng looked at Xiaobai in his arms, and patted its head amusingly.

Because Chen Feng's Item Refining Technique has reached the god level, most of the refined things will carry some of their original characteristics, except that they are not living things.

Take the faucet in front of you, for example, with a hint of dragon might on it.

Otherwise, how could Xiaobai be afraid of this.

"Yes, this is the Tiandi, I just refined it again."

With that said, Chen Feng jumped on the Tiandi number first, followed by a few girls on the Tiandi number.

After they all came up, Chen Feng put away the flying boat.

When she got on the Tiandi again, Nami was very emotional.

Although it was re-refined by Chen Feng, the general appearance has not changed.

The ship is still the same ship, but some people are no longer there.

When I came to the restaurant, I could vaguely see the scene of Sanji being busy.

"Chen Feng, you say, do we still have a chance to return to that world々¨?"

Nami said sadly.

She misses home, misses the people of Cocosia Village.

"There will be a chance."

Chen Feng heard the words, walked to her side, and comforted her softly.

Bonnie and Liu Xia'er also came over, hugged her arms from left to right, and looked at her with a smile.

Looking at Chen Feng, then turning to Bonnie and Liu Xia'er, Nami smiled.

When Chen Feng saw this, he knew that Nami had already thought about it.

"Set off!!"

With a loud shout, Chen Feng took a jade slip and came to the console.

Originally, in this position, it should have been a rudder, but due to re-refining, Chen Feng simply removed the rudder.

In this place now, there is only one groove, which is where the jade slips are placed.

Put the jade slip in his hand into the groove, and with Chen Feng's hand in the spirit, a translucent projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

This is the map of Earth Immortal World, and the function of that groove is similar to navigation.

After placing the jade slip in a special place, the array inside will work and project the map.

After playing a few more spirits, Chen Feng stretched out his hand and tapped twice on the map. After that, the Tiandi automatically started to drive.

I have to say that the speed of the Tiandi is many times faster than the speed of the previous flying boat.

When the Tiandi was flying, a thin curtain enveloped the entire ship and protected the entire ship.

Chapter 4 Good, very big! ! (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

When the Tiandi was flying, a thin curtain enveloped the entire ship and protected the entire ship.

Chen Feng looked at the three girls who were visiting everywhere on the boat, and his heart started to itch again.

"Ladies, now, it's still quite far from our destination, why don't I take you to visit our bedroom?"

As he said that, Chen Feng immediately jumped up.

When the three girls saw this, they all screamed and ran away.

However, the whole ship is so big, where else can it go.

In the end, they were caught by Chen Feng one by one, and then brought into the bedroom.

Xiaobai looked at the four of them with a bewildered expression, not knowing what they were doing, so he followed curiously into the bedroom.

After a while, Xiaobai ran out shyly, leaning against the door panting heavily.

The hair on his body seemed to be dyed with a layer of pink.

"This bastard, what are you thinking about every day!! It's broad daylight now!!"

After a while, listening to the coquettish groan inside, I couldn't help but curiously leaned on the crack of the door and looked secretly.

When it ran out just now, Chen Feng was playing a big battle with the three girls to pick up clothes. Now that it went to see it again, it directly saw the main show, which greatly shocked its heart.

"This, is it so big? Is it too exaggerated?"

For the first time in history, Xiaobai felt that his little head seemed to be insufficient.

Dizzy, he walked to the restaurant, ready to find something to eat, so as to suppress his shock.

When it came to the restaurant, the first thing it saw was the Lingyu banana on the table.

This is a kind of spiritual fruit similar to a banana, only a little shorter than a banana.

When I jumped to the table and was about to start eating, suddenly, the scene I just saw flashed through my head, and I started to compare it unconsciously.

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