"." Well, it doesn't seem to be that big. "

After thinking about it, Xiao Bai finally woke up, wishing he could just smash a crack on the ground, get himself inside, and never come out.

"Bah, bah, what are you thinking! Shameless!"

Xiaobai shook his head fiercely, took a bite, and ate the few Lingyu bananas in a few bites.

"Well, it tastes good."

After eating, he still licked his mouth and continued to forage.

In the wheel battle between Chen Feng and the three women, Chen Feng won the final 3:0.

After taking a bath, Chen Feng came to the restaurant, ready to eat something to relieve himself.

When I first arrived at the restaurant, I found that all the spiritual fruits in the restaurant were eaten up (Nuo Zhaozhao).

Hearing the sound of chewing, Chen Feng heard the sound and looked around, only to find that Xiaobai was squatting in front of the last plate of Lingguo, eating happily.

"I'll go, Xiaobai, can you eat so much?"

Hearing Chen Feng's voice, Xiaobai turned his head to look, and was directly choked with shock.

Because Chen Feng came over just after taking a shower, so he didn't have any clothes on. He was all over his body, except for the towel around his lower body.

Chen Feng also saw that Xiaobai was choked, and he hurriedly used his spiritual energy to help him.

But I didn't expect that because Xiaobai choked, his four little claws moved around, and as a result, the only covering on Chen Feng's body was removed.

Immediately, one person and one beast were stunned.

Chen Feng was embarrassed, while Xiao Bai was startled again.

Then, Xiaobai rolled his eyes and passed out.

It was the last thought before passing out.

"Okay, so big!!!".

Chapter 4: Poor Acting (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

On the way to Tianren Mansion, what Chen Feng did, in Nami's words, was nothing but absurdity.

Every day, they can't get out of bed without tossing the three of them, and they won't give up.

As for Xiaobai, almost every day after that, he can't see its shadow. As long as he sees Chen Feng, he swipes it and the shadow disappears. This makes Chen Feng very depressed.

Finally arrived at the Tianren Mansion, Liu Xia'er's three daughters secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

At this rate, they were afraid that they would not be able to get out of bed when they got there.

After casually looking for a relatively large city, Chen Feng took the three daughters and got off the Tiandi number nearby. He walked in, preparing to inquire about the news first, and then take the next step.

However, the auction that was held in Tianren House seemed to be quite big. You could almost hear people talking about this auction on the road, which made Chen Feng very curious.

I just pulled a random person and wanted to ask about the situation.

"Why! I don't know old..."

The person who was being held by Chen Feng was originally unhappy, but when Chen Feng took out an amethyst coin, the conversation changed and he fawned.

"Hey, uncle, what are you looking for Xiao Xiao?"

While talking, 437 reached out to pick up the amethyst coin.

Chen Feng shrank his hand and put away the Amethyst Coin.

"You answer my question first. If you are satisfied, this amethyst coin is yours."

The man was stunned for a moment, then patted his chest and said.

"Master, you have found the right person to ask about something. Who doesn't know that Wang Er is one of the best in the blue jade city, so you can ask."

"I heard that the auction is being discussed on the way. I don't know, where is this auction?"

With that said, Chen Feng took out the amethyst coin again and played with it.

The man stared at the amethyst coin in Chen Feng's hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said quickly.

"Master, you are talking about the auction held by the Ziguang Auction House tomorrow, I know that, the Ziguang Auction House is an auction held in Wanshan City, the prefectural city of Tianren. auction."

The man paused for a while, then extended his hand to Chen Feng with a flattering smile.

Seeing this, Chen Feng smiled and threw the Amethyst Coin.

The man caught the amethyst coin with surprise, then bit it in his mouth, put it in his arms, and then continued.

"It is rumored that at this auction, there are things passed down from the ruins."

"Relic? That relic?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng couldn't help but ask in doubt.

"The ruins, the ruins that were opened after the school competition was held. I heard that someone brought something out of it, and now because of the urgent need for money, I took it out and sold it."

After listening to this person, Chen Feng sent him away.

"Haha, it's interesting to sell the relics."

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