A bright light flashed in his eyes, Chen Feng touched Xiao Bai who was forcibly held by him in his arms, and murmured thoughtfully.

Xiaobai looked at Chen Feng curiously, not knowing what he was thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, the auction won't start until tomorrow anyway, so there's no rush to go now, Chen Feng is going to take a few people to have a good time in the city.

It just so happened that it seems to be a custom festival in Tianrenfu, and the streets are quite lively.

"Hey, Lord Tiandi, look ahead, there are a lot of snacks, let's go shopping."

Chapter 4 Poor acting (5/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Hey, Lord Tiandi, look ahead, there are a lot of snacks, let's go shopping."

At this time, Bonnie, who was a foodie, was the first to smell the fragrance coming from the front.

After he finished speaking, he pulled Chen Feng and ran towards the front.

Chen Feng was pulled by her helplessly, while Nami and Liu Xia'er followed behind with a smile.

The four of them walked in tandem and came to a snack street.

Sure enough, the whole street is full of snacks.

"Stinky tofu, let's take a look at stinky tofu, it's made from jadeite tofu, it's delicious and beautiful..."


The voices of hawking are one after another, and they are all selling cheap and affordable snacks.

As for whether it is delicious or not, this question does not exist in the Immortal Realm.

After all, Earth Immortal World is an intermediate world, and whether it is ingredients or anything, it is much better than the world below.

The four of them walked around, eating and drinking, and unknowingly, they came to the door of a jewelry store.

Nami is the type who can't walk when she sees something related to money.

No, as soon as she arrived at the door of this store, Nami couldn't move no matter how much she pulled her. In the end, she looked at Chen Feng pitifully, but in desperation, she had to let them go in and have a look.

"Obviously I'm a master of craftsmanship. If I can't make it, I have to buy it from someone else."

Chen Feng murmured softly, and finally followed in.

However, his whispered words were heard by a young man in Chinese clothing who was also preparing to enter the store.

The young man looked at Chen Feng with a look of disdain.

But after he entered the store, he found that Chen Feng was surrounded by four beautiful women, and he couldn't calm down. He stared at Liu Xia'er and the three of them, his eyes full of greed.

Although Liu Xia'er and the three were all wearing veils, the young man in Chinese clothing was a veteran of Hua Cong, and at a glance, he could see that the three girls were all stunning, and immediately became lustful.

However, he did not act, but quietly walked out of the store.

I saw him come to the door, waved his hand, and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Go to inform the city guards and say that Young Master Ben is in the store, someone has stolen Young Master Ben's things, and ask them to bring more people over, understand?"

Saying that, he stepped aside and pointed to the inside.

When the man saw the three of Nami in the store, he nodded clearly, clasped his fists with both hands, and left the place.

Then the young man in Huafu took a jade slip from his arms, held it in his hand, walked into the store, and quietly approached Chen Feng.

After reaching Chen Feng's side, the young man in Chinese clothing pretended to have tripped over something and rammed towards Chen Feng. Chen Feng did not dodge, but looked at him with a confused expression.

In fact, Chen Feng already knew everything this young man had just done.

Therefore, with his skill, how could he not be able to escape.

"Boss, what's the matter with your shop?"

The young man in Huafu pretended to be angry and said to the boss, and then apologized to Chen Feng with an apologetic face.

"I'm sorry, I bumped into you, are you okay?".

Chapter 5 "Super Fierce" Xiaobai (5/[-] for subscription, please customize)

When the young man in Chinese clothes was talking, the three of Nami also turned their heads and looked at him curiously. (Book^House*Small}Said + Net)

Seeing that he had attracted the attention of the three women, he pretended to straighten his clothes, and then his expression changed.

Suddenly, he saw a tail sticking out of Chen Feng's body and shouted loudly.

"You! Why did you steal from me?"

Hearing this, Nami's three daughters looked at Chen Feng strangely, and didn't understand, Chen Feng stole something from him.

The young man in Huafu was secretly delighted, and pointed to Chen Feng, the jade pendant in his arms, righteously.

"This! It's my stuff. I didn't expect that I just accidentally bumped into you, and you stole my stuff instead!"

At this time, the owner of the store also saw that the identity of the young man in Huafu was not simple. Seeing his actions, he naturally knew what he wanted to do, and he said it with him.

"This son, what is that in your arms? Can you take it out for us to see?"

When Chen Feng heard the words, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then he took Xiaobai out of his arms and asked suspiciously.

"This? This is my pet?"

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