The young man in Huafu was stunned when he saw it.

That's not right, what I just put in is obviously my own identity jade card, how can I become a fox.

Moreover, he just saw the red tail on the jade card.

"You, how is it possible, what I saw was that you stole my jade badge and was still in your arms just now."

"Identity jade card? Are you talking about this?"

With that said, Chen Feng took out the identity jade card that had been bitten off in half from Xiaobai's mouth and said to him.

"That's right, that's right..."

The youth in Huafu was originally very happy, seeing Chen Feng take out his jade badge, it means that Chen Feng can't hide.

But in the blink of an eye, only half of his identity jade card remained, and he instantly became angry.

"Beast!! I killed you!!!"

At this moment, the sound of neat footsteps came from outside.

When the young man in Chinese clothing heard the sound, his face showed a look of joy, and he turned his head and said to Chen Feng fiercely.

"You damn bastard, it's okay to steal my things, and let this beast bite my identity jade card to pieces, it's really hateful, today, I will let you bastard and this beast go to see the king of hell. !"

After speaking to Chen Feng, he turned his face to a gentle expression, and said to Liu Xia'er and the three of them.

"Three girls, I see you are with him, right? I advise you to stay away from this person. This person is too bad. If you are friends with him, you will be deceived."

With a hard-hearted look, if you don't know, I'm afraid you really believe what he said.

However, the three Liu Xia'er just looked at him with a smile and didn't speak.

At this time, a group of soldiers came in outside. Chen Feng glanced at it. The cultivation base was probably around the peak of Gubenjie.

The man came in from the outside and glanced around. When he saw the three daughters of Nami, there was a hint of greed in his eyes. Finally, he settled on the young man in Chinese clothing, and he stepped forward and raised his hand. A gift.

"Young Master Qi Sheng, I don't know if you are coming here, you are welcome, and you still hope to make amends."

Qi Sheng, the young man in Chinese clothing, nodded arrogantly and said casually.

"Well, City Lord Yan, your city is really broken. Everyone has it. Just now someone dared to steal my identity jade card. You say, what should I do at this time?"

City Lord Yan knew what happened in the first place, but when he heard this, he immediately cooperated and shouted angrily.

"In my Poyuan City, there are still people who dare to steal your things, Mr. Qi, which is not an eye-opening thing!!"

Chapter 5 "Super Fierce" Xiaobai (5/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"In my Poyuan City, there are still people who dare to steal your things, Mr. Qi, which is not an eye-opening thing!!"

As he said that, he looked at Chen Feng.

"is that you!"

Seeing their poor acting skills, Chen Feng couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head. The three girls behind him also laughed.

I have seen acting, but I have never seen such a bad acting.

"What if it is, what if it isn't?"

His voice was full of disdain.

As soon as these words came out, Qi Sheng and City Lord Yan were stunned.

Chen Feng's attitude at this time made them a little puzzled.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????

There are so many people on his side, and he is only one person with three women.

Moreover, Chen Feng's cultivation base doesn't seem to be very high, so he dares to speak like that.

This attitude made City Lord Yan hesitate.

Like him, who has been in the crowd for many years, he must be very careful to climb to such a position, otherwise, he will not be able to sit in the position of the city lord.

However, that Qi Sheng was unwilling, and immediately snorted coldly.

"City Lord Yan, didn't you hear what this person said? The identity jade card is in this person's hand, and he was bitten off in half by this beast."

City Lord Yan heard the displeasure in Qi Sheng's words, and he was shocked, gritted his teeth, and said to Chen Feng.


"Boy, take out what's in your hand."

With a flick of his hand, he directly threw the half of the jade slip onto the ground.

"Well, here, pick it up yourself."

Seeing this, City Lord Yan was also angry.

After all, you are also the master of a city. You are just a nobody, so what qualifications do you have to talk to yourself like that.

Thinking like this, City Lord Yan went straight to Chen Feng.

"Good boy, let this city master see what kind of arrogance you have!"

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