However, Chen Feng didn't even look at him.

Seeing this, when he was determined to make Chen Feng suffer, he saw a white shadow flashing by in front of him. Then, City Lord Yan flew back at a faster speed than when he came.

Qi Sheng looked at Xiaobai on Chen Feng's shoulder with a surprised look, and couldn't believe that the blow just now was done by this little guy.

Xiaobai licked his paws, then stood up, standing on Chen Feng's shoulders, showing his teeth and claws at Qi Sheng, making expressions that he thought were "super fierce".

However, as everyone knows, in the eyes of the three girls, Xiaobai's expressions are so cute.

"Wow!! Xiaobai, you are so cute!!"

"Let me hug you!!"

"I want to hug too!!"

Qi Sheng stared blankly at the scene in front of him, a little bit lost. .

Chapter 1 The Hidden Realm (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"You, what are you doing! Don't hurry up and arrest this murderer and this beast, this beast is a monster!! And this man, he has colluded with the monster!!"

Qi Sheng pointed at Chen Feng and said loudly to the soldiers behind him.

Soldiers, look at me, I look at you, I don't know what to do. Now the city lord who brought them here has been knocked unconscious by Xiaobai, and the city lord seems to be very respectful to the person in front of him.

This made them very confused.

In the end, under the order of a person who looked like a squad leader, they surrounded Chen Feng.

"Yes, be careful not to hurt those three beauties, otherwise, I want you to look good!!"

At this time, Qi Sheng also saw that the three of Nami, who were in the same group as Chen Feng, immediately revealed their true form, and their eyes showed the obvious greed of "two four seven".

Those soldiers didn't pay attention to the three women behind Chen Feng, but now Qi Sheng said this, they all looked over.

When they saw the three girls, they were all stunned.

But soon, he woke up from Qi Sheng's roar again.

Chen Feng still stood there and didn't move, while the three girls continued to play with Xiaobai.

"How about it, be funny, let the three beauties behind you come with me, I'll let you go, oh yes, and that little beast, I'm going to kill him!"

After the soldiers surrounded Chen Feng and the others, Qi Sheng stood outside the encirclement and said proudly.

The ugly face was unobstructed, and Chen Feng was a little disgusted when he saw it.

And Xiaobai, when he heard this man calling him a beast again and again, immediately went up to fuck him.

However, now that it is in prison, being held back and forth by the three women, there is no way to exert any strength, and can only stare at Qi Sheng with its watery eyes.

Hearing Qi Sheng's words again, Chen Feng raised his head, a cold light flashed across his eyes, and the majestic murderous aura immediately filled the entire jewelry store.

As soon as the murderous intent came out, the soldiers around were all stunned and slumped to the ground.

As for Qi Sheng, it was even more unbearable. He sat on the ground and shivered, and a pool of water appeared under him.

Chen Feng glanced at him disdainfully and walked towards him slowly.

The soldiers standing in front of him all quickly moved their positions to one side, for fear that they would be killed by Chen Feng because they blocked Chen Feng's way.

Qi Sheng watched Chen Feng approach him, and kept moving his position backwards.

"You, what are you doing!! I, I am a person from the hidden world of the immortal world! You, you can't touch me!!"

"Hidden world?"

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Chen Feng repeated it strangely.

"Yes! I'm from the Hidden Realm! If you dare to touch me! You're dead!!"

Qi Sheng seems to be doing the last struggle.

Chen Feng looked at him and said disdainfully.

"If the people in the hidden world are like you, I will kill as many as you come."

Just as he was about to strike, a sharp sword qi attacked from behind.

Chen Feng, who had already sensed this killing intent, tilted his head, stretched out his hand, and slightly changed the trajectory of this sword energy.


A shrill scream came from Qi Sheng's mouth in front of Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw it, he immediately burst out laughing.

It turned out that Chen Feng just casually led the trajectory of the sword energy to Qi Sheng's bottom.

Chapter 1 The Hidden Realm (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

It turned out that Chen Feng just casually led the trajectory of the sword energy to Qi Sheng's bottom.

I saw a stream of blood, mixed with yellow liquid, flowing all over the place.

As for Qi Sheng, his face was pale and sweating profusely, and in the end, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Three young masters!!"

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