The man who sneaked up on Chen Feng saw that his attack failed to hit Chen Feng, and he even injured his own young master.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the masked man in black, a little puzzled.

Now in this world, is it more popular to wear a black mask?

"You! Damn!!"

With that said, the masked man charged up with a sword.

Chen Feng shook his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed the sword in his hand without dodging.

However, what Chen Feng didn't expect was that at the moment when Chen Feng caught the sword, this person actually walked around him, came to Qi Sheng's side, picked him up and ran out.

While running, the masked man crushed a jade plaque.

Seeing that, the two of them were about to be wrapped up by the white energy in the jade card, and a sword came in from the gap, directly piercing the two of them.  …

When the energy group disappeared, the two disappeared.

Seeing this, Chen Feng didn't care.

Anyway, both of them have already been strung together by Chen Feng, and they will definitely not survive.

And the city lord who had just been slapped by Xiaobai, also shouted and woke up at this time.

"No, don't kill me!!"

Chen Feng looked at this City Lord Yan with a funny look, walked in front of him, and squatted down.

"Hey, do you want to live?"

When City Lord Yan saw Chen Feng, his eyelids jumped, and he nodded hurriedly when he heard his words.

"Think, think!!"

"Well, answer my question honestly."

Chen Feng nodded with satisfaction, and pulled a chair over from the side.

"Tell me, what is that hidden world, why haven't I heard anyone say it in the immortal world?"

City Lord Yan swallowed hard and said slowly.

"Back, back to the adults, Hidden, Hidden World is a small world in the Earth Immortal World, the remains after the Earth Immortal World Academy Competition was held, is in the Hidden World, and the Academy Competition is just a place for the five academies. "

Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly realized.

No wonder, when I listened to the principal, I always felt something was wrong.

There are more than a dozen of the five colleges combined, but this number is only less than ten, and it is not afraid that others will take the opportunity to enter.

If it is said to be in the hidden world, then everything makes sense.

Chen Feng, who understood the situation, was too lazy to bother with the city owner, and asked him how to get to Wanshan City. Chen Feng took the three daughters and left the jewelry store.

When he was leaving, the owner of this store wanted to give Chen Feng and the others something as an apology. Originally, Chen Feng didn't want it, but seeing that the women liked it, he didn't refuse.

(Everyone, old irons, I need to travel recently. From today onwards, the author can only try to keep three shifts a day, but if I have free time, I will still have five shifts a day. When this special period passes, it will still return to a stable five shifts per day. more, please forgive me!).

Chapter 2 Soul Lamp (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Chen Feng took the three daughters to the outside of the city, released the Tiandi again, and flew towards Wanshan City.

On the other side, the masked man took Qi Sheng back to the hidden world sect.

As soon as it hit the ground, it fell down and was discovered after a long time.

However, when they were found, their bodies were completely cold.


With a loud noise, the first old man in the hall smashed the chair made of meteoric iron into pieces.

"Someone! Bring me Sheng'er's soul lamp!!"

In the roar of the old man, a man dressed as a servant walked in with a lantern with a peculiar style.

The old man looked at the lamp with a hint of sadness in his eyes, and then made a series of spiritual determinations at the lamp.

As Ling Jue entered the lamp, slowly, the wick inside actually lit up with a faint light.

Seeing this, the old man was overjoyed, but soon, he returned to his serious look, and the movements of his hands became more cautious.

In the end, when he stopped 18, the wick in the lamp was already lit.

"Sheng'er, Sheng'er?"

After the wick burned, the old man cautiously shouted inside.

"Grandpa, me, what's wrong with me?"

The flame inside the lamp condensed into a human shape, which was Qi Sheng who had just died.

At this time, Qi Sheng was looking at his illusory body with a bewildered face, and he still didn't regain his senses.

"I, am I dead?"

All of a sudden, the memories before his death flooded up, Qi Sheng screamed, and the body formed by the flames fluctuated for a while.

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