The two of them spoke in unison, making Ye Yun's face even more ugly, especially after he heard what Chen Shaotian said, he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Why do I want that thing? I just saw this guy auctioned off and deliberately lifted it up."

After speaking, Chen Shaotian burst out laughing.

When Chen Feng heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter.

Unexpectedly, this is the reason.

Think about it, how could Chen Shaotian be short of money.

Not to mention whether the Second Young Mansion of the Wu Mansion will be short of money, just to say that he himself has made a lot of money outside these years.

Hearing their words, Ye Yun's face turned blue and white.

At this moment, a person behind him came over and whispered in his ear.

"." Shaofu, this time to participate in the auction, the main purpose of the Palace Master is which eight-grade medicinal pill, this jade slip, is completely out of the plan. "

"How much money is there to use."

Ye Yun asked with a gloomy face.

"Young mansion, there are still more than [-] million amethyst coins."

Hearing this, Ye Yun's face became even more ugly.

After thinking for a while, he took out a sword from the storage ring and handed it to the man behind him.

"Give this thing to the person who has been appraised by the auction house to see how many Amethyst coins can be mortgaged."

The man looked at the sword in his hand, was startled, and said. (obtained)

"Young mansion! This, this is..."

"Shut up, you can do it if you want to do it, where is there so much nonsense?"

Ye Yun glared at him and said coldly.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right now."

The guard took the sword and hurriedly left the room.

Ye Yun looked at the location of Box No. [-] across the wall, with cold killing intent in his eyes.

"Chen Shaotian, Lao Tzu will let you spit all this out for Lao Tzu."

After a while, the guard came back with a sign.


Ye Yun took the sign from his hand and looked at the numbers on it with a satisfied smile on his face.

"This auction house is quite knowledgeable."

I saw a few numbers written on the sign, which represented the amount of money mortgaged on his sword.

Three hundred and forty million! ! .

Chapter 2 Beyond the Heavens (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

After this jade slip was auctioned, the auction took a break.

The waiters filed out from a small door beside the table, all carrying a plate with fruit and wine, which was delivered to everyone present at the auction.

And the things that were just auctioned were sent to the owner of the items.

Holding the hosta, he helped Liu Xia'er pin it to her head.

"It's pretty good."

Looking at Liu Xia'er with a hairpin, adding a touch of beauty, Chen Feng couldn't help but light up.

Nami and Bonnie looked at Liu Xia'er with a hint of envy in their eyes, but they also knew that they were not suitable for this style, so they were just envious.

At the time of the auction, they also bought some gadgets themselves, and now they have been sent over, and they are holding them.

Chen Shaotian looked at the three girls with an envious look on his face.

"Third brother, tell me, where did you get these three beautiful brothers and sisters, brother, I have been running around outside for so many years, and I haven't met one, so you only came here three. "

Having said that, Chen Shaotian couldn't help but sighed up to the sky.

"What's more, how old are you this year? You are only sixteen years old this year!!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng was stunned, not knowing what to say.

It's impossible to say that these 770 women were brought over from another world?

I'm afraid I'm not going to be regarded as a neurotic.

I had no choice but to smile awkwardly.

"General, general, just basic operations."

Looking at Chen Feng's embarrassed smile, he thought he would say something to comfort him, but he didn't expect that what he said was actually such a thing.

The expression on Chen Shaotian's face froze, and the three girls froze for a moment, then covered their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing.

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