
He opened his mouth, only to find that he had nothing to say, Chen Shaotian simply closed his mouth, picked up the wine just brought by the waiter, and drank it.

Seeing this, Chen Feng smiled and didn't speak any more.

Although it is the first time to meet this second brother, (bief) Judging from the process of chatting just now, it is not bad.

Not long after, Fu Ying took the stage again and started the second half of the auction.

"I made you wait for a long time. I wonder if you are satisfied with the things prepared by this auction house?"

Seeing Fu Ying again, she had already changed her clothes.

A luxurious long-distance runner and a crystal crown on her head, all of which made her look like a noble princess.

Such Fu Ying made the people who participated in the auction brightened and applauded.

For a while, the entire auction hall became lively.

"Now, we will start the auction in the second half and tell everyone good news..."

With a smile, he stretched out his hand and pressed it down, and the people in the audience quieted down, and then sold out.

"Good news? What good news?"

"Could it be... Are you going to auction off the finale first?"

When they heard Fu Ying's words, everyone became excited.

In fact, most people come for the finale.

In addition to the jade slip previously photographed by Ye Yun, there are two other things.

Although it is said that most people basically can't afford it, it is good to be able to see it.

Among the people present, there are many people who hold such thoughts.

Chapter 2 Beyond Heaven (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Among the people present, there are many people who hold such thoughts.

There are basically very few who can participate in the appearance of the finale items.

"The finale? No, no, no, it's the finale after all, so how can you come on stage earlier."

Hearing the discussion below, Fu Ying shook her head with a smile and said.

"No? What is that?"

"Well, if I want to tell you, I'm afraid there is something good?"

"Can you still go to auction now?"

"I'm afraid that's the case, otherwise, what good news can there be in this place?"

"That's right."

Fu Ying clapped her hands to calm the people down, and then said.

"Okay, about this good news, since no one has guessed it, let's reveal it later."

As she spoke, a white jade bottle appeared beside her, floating in mid-air.

"The world in the bottle is a magic treasure for storage..."

A new round of auctions has started, but neither Chen Feng nor Chen Shaotian have any intention of buying anything.

Chen Feng was basically unable to use it, and Chen Shaotian was for the last half of the eighth-grade medicinal pill.

The two sat on the sofa bored, chatting without a word.

The three women were playing with Xiaobai on the sofa beside him.

"Okay, everyone, now it's time to reveal the good news to you."

When he was about to fall asleep, Chen Feng suddenly heard what Fu Ying said, and couldn't help but become curious.

What good news?Could it be that achievement is his own pill?

"In this auction, two more items were added before the opening and during the intermission. As for what it is, let's take a look at the first item."

Fu Ying pinched the seal on her hand, and a strange thing appeared beside her.

"This thing is the Taoist friend who entrusted our bank to auction it. When he was traveling one day, it fell from the sky. It was a meteorite outside the sky, but he did not know how to refine tools, so I entrusted our bank to carry it out. auction."

"If that fellow Daoist is interested in this thing, you can take a photo of this."

"The base price is [-] million, and each time the price is increased, it must not be less than [-] million!!"

After speaking, he looked at the reactions of the people in the audience.

"Miss Fu, I don't know if I can let the old man inspect it at close range?"

At this time, an old man stood up and said a little excitedly.

"Oh, it turned out to be the master of refining, Master Jia."

Fu Ying glanced at him, then recognized his identity and said politely.

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