However, Fu Ying was still in his arms.

Back in Box [-], after putting Fu Ying down, he told the girls to take care of her, and Chen Feng returned to the same place again.

At this time, the sword energy had passed, leaving a long trace on the ground.

"Cut, I thought, what skills can you have, but that's all."

Chen Feng looked at the traces on the ground and shook his head in disappointment.

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a sword qi that was a bit bigger than the youth's issued appeared out of thin air.

Once it appeared, it chopped at the young man at an extremely fast speed.

When the young man saw this, he was shocked, and then at his fastest speed, he flashed aside.

After the sword energy passed, the young man looked at the evenly cut scratches on the ground, and sweat slowly began to appear on his head.

"This, what is this person's identity? How high is the cultivation base to use such a move!!"

After seeing Chen Feng's moves, the young man didn't dare to care about him anymore, and began to shout.

Chapter 1 Xianji Formation (plus one, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After seeing Chen Feng's moves, the young man didn't dare to care about him anymore, and began to shout.

"Come here for me!!"

The people from the auction house just ran away when the young man sent out the first sword qi.

Those who followed the youth did not stop them and let them flee.

At this time, when they heard the shouts of the youth, they all quickly came to the youth.

"Immortal Array!!"

Hearing this, those people showed their surprised expressions.

You must know that the Immortal Pole Formation is their sect's bottom-pressing (biea) style. At least ten people are needed to make it. If there are more, there is no upper limit.

However, once this formation comes out, almost no one can escape.

Like their cultivation base, if the immortal pole formation is deployed, unless the opponent is a strong person in the real monarch realm, otherwise, there is absolutely no way to escape.

"Ye, Senior Brother Ye, is this a little over the top?"

A disciple stepped forward and said hesitantly.

"Shut up and let you do what you want, what's so troublesome?"

Brother Ye, the young man, glared back at him and said.

Seeing the expression on Senior Brother Ye's face, the disciple suddenly bowed his head, answered in response, and backed away.

Seeing this, the other disciples quickly dispersed, surrounding Chen Feng in the middle.

"Hmph, boy, I originally wanted you to die with fame and sex, but since you are so ignorant, you should just die!"

Brother Ye looked at Chen Feng with a ferocious look on his face, his hands were constantly determined.

When the last Spirit Jue was played, he kept his hands in a stern position, moved upwards, and shouted loudly.

"Immortal Array!! Get up!!!!"

The voice fell, and a light mask shrouded Chen Feng, filled with monstrous killing intent.

Besides, on Chen Feng's side, he watched boredly as they finished setting up the formation and then activated it.

"Well? Kill the formation?"

Feeling the various auras coming from the formation, although Chen Feng is not like he was just now, at least he has a trace of seriousness.

However, when he felt it for a while, he found out.

This immortal array is nothing.

At least, based on his current knowledge storage, he was able to break their so-called bottom-box formation method almost instantly.

Thinking like this, Chen Feng did the same.

Directly expand the field, and in an instant, the entire auction hall will be enveloped.

"Well? What's the situation? Why can't I move?"

"I-I can't move either?"

"What's the situation? Brother Ye, save me!!!"

Everyone who was shrouded in the realm was unable to move, as if they were frozen.


Suddenly, a scream caught everyone's attention, and they all looked towards the place where the scream came from.


When they saw it clearly, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and sucked in a breath of cold air.

I saw one of the disciples who followed that Senior Brother Ye, suddenly knelt on his knees, his eyes were round, and he kept breathing heavily.

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