The originally young face is constantly aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This, what's the situation!!!".

Chapter [-] Ghost Lin Zong Patriarch (plus two, please subscribe, please customize)

Senior Brother Ye looked at a person, from a young appearance, he quickly became old.

What is even more terrifying is that not only the change in appearance, but also the vitality in his body is passing by rapidly.

"Ye, Senior Brother Ye, save~, save me!!"

Unable to support his aging body, the disciple fell to the ground, stretched out a hand towards Senior Brother Ye with difficulty, and begged - Dao.

A coldness flashed in Brother Ye's eyes, and he stopped looking at this disciple.

The disciple was stunned for a moment, then a clear look appeared in his eyes, and then he had no choice but to lower his arm, and finally fell to the ground.

As long as the number of people in the Xianji Formation is no less than ten, it can be activated all the time.

Senior Brother Ye gritted his teeth and struggled to make a seal.

At the moment when his Yin Jue was pinched out, a light shield enveloped him, finally offsetting the influence of the domain on him.

Afterwards, he quickly took out a jade slip from the ring, and crushed it into pieces with a painful look on his face.

"Boy, you are very strong, at least stronger than me, but you are only one person!!"

After he finished speaking, he looked expectantly at the light group formed by the jade slip in front of him.

After the light group disappeared, a middle-aged man appeared where the light group disappeared.

That person stood there, looking around at the surrounding environment, and then he seemed to be unaffected. With a wave of his hand, Chen Feng's domain was destroyed.

"Meet the ancestors!!"

After feeling that the threat was gone, Brother Ye took the lead in kneeling on the ground and bowing to the middle-aged man.

The disciples who were originally in the formation were also surprised when they saw the middle-aged man, and regardless of Chen Feng's presence, they bowed their heads to the middle-aged man.

"Meet the ancestors!!"

The middle-aged man waved his hand indifferently, then turned to look at Chen Feng, and said indifferently.

"At such an age, you can actually have the cultivation of the True Monarch Realm, you are very good."

"Give you a chance to live, kneel down and apologize to my disciples and grandchildren, join my sect, and be a slave for a hundred years. At that time, it is not impossible for you to officially join my sect."

Hearing this, Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then looked at him with an expression like a fool.

As an ancestor, it is naturally impossible for a middle-aged man to fail to perceive the meaning in Chen Feng's eyes, even he can't calm down.

"Are you a dummy?"

Chen Feng not only looked at him like this with his eyes, but also said it with his mouth.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man snorted coldly and waved it casually, as if he was venting his dissatisfaction.

However, if the cultivation base is not as high as him, it is almost impossible to find the strangeness in it.

This seemingly unintentional move, in fact, has already slapped Chen Feng.

"Silent and invisible... the embodiment of the highest realm of the Falling Leaf Palm!!"

A gleam of light flashed in Brother Ye's eyes, and he could clearly see that this was his own patriarch, who used the sect's signature move.

Moreover, from her point of view, Chen Feng didn't seem to notice it and was still standing there.

After a while, the Falling Leaf Palm hit Chen Feng, but, apart from a slight muffled sound, nothing happened as they expected.

Chen Feng was still standing there unharmed, and even his clothes were not damaged in the slightest.

"how is this possible!!"

Seeing this scene, not only Senior Brother Ye was shocked, but even the middle-aged man began to doubt himself.

Chapter 1 The Patriarch of Ghost Forest (Add 2, please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page [-]/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Seeing this scene, not only Senior Brother Ye was shocked, but even the middle-aged man began to doubt himself.

This is a blow he made as a Venerable Realm. How could it be so easy? It can even be said that he just stood there and let him attack without any damage.

This fact made him seriously doubt whether his strength had declined.

As soon as this idea came out, he was startled, and he hurriedly checked his own cultivation and realm, and found that it was still the same.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief, but the expression on his face became more solemn.

If it is said that his cultivation and realm have not declined, then it means that Chen Feng is really able to resist his attacks completely with his physical body.

Aware of this, the middle-aged man did not dare to act rashly.

"Boy, I am the former Sect Master of the Hidden Realm Ghost Lin Sect. Yu Lin, who are you? You can actually block my attack head-on?"

Chen Feng scoffed at his words.

Obviously, he didn't move, so he was completely resisting.

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