"You don't care who I am, this guy is your disciple, right? He disturbed my auction, what do you say?"

At this moment, Ye Wannian walked over with Ye Yun, looked at Chen Feng strangely, bowed to Yu Lin a few times, and then said.

"Palace Master of Tianren Palace, Ye Wannian brought his dog to visit the ancestor of the Ghost Forest Sect."

Seeing him, Yu Lin seemed a little puzzled, but with Ye Chen's explanation, he understood the relationship between Tianren Mansion and his sect, waved his hand, and got them up.

As soon as they came together, Ye Wannian hurriedly said.

"Ancestor, I have something important to report."

"Well? What's the matter?"

"Ancestor, what this auction house just auctioned is a complete eighth-grade medicinal pill. It is said that it can recover all losses, and even the depleted potential can be recovered."


"I just heard that this medicine pill was brought out by this kid. Old Ancestor, if this is the case, I am afraid that there will be no shortage of good things on this kid!"


When Yu Lin heard the eight-pin pill, his eyes widened.

The auction house auctioned eight-grade medicinal herbs. He knew about it, but it was only half a eight-grade medicinal medicinal herb. It was found in the ruins a few years ago, and it was of no use to him now.

After hearing the words behind, his heart began to beat violently.

He was able to cultivate to the Venerable Realm, and he had already exhausted his potential, and there was basically no further possibility.

Therefore, when he learned that the new eighth-grade medicinal pill was able to restore its potential, he suddenly became unable to calm down.

"Is this true?"

Yu Lin looked at Chen Feng, thinking of the good things on him, and then he thought about it, Chen Feng can use the cultivation level of the True Monarch Realm and attack him without any measures, I am afraid that he also has a protective treasure on his body.

Thinking of this, Yu Lin looked at Chen Feng with greed.

"Old Ancestor, it's absolutely true, Wannian guarantees his life!!"

Ye Wannian looked at Ye Yun, and after getting a positive reply, he vowed.

"Okay, I don't want your life, old man. If it's true, the old man will reward you."

Chapter 1 Hundred Ghosts Withered Woods (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Yu Lin's words brought a hint of joy in Ye Wannian's eyes, but he did not see the panic in his son's eyes.

Ye Yun is very flustered now, he doesn't know how to tell Ye Wannian now.

Because, in fact, he didn't know at all, whether Chen Feng took out this medicinal pill for auction, it was entirely because of what happened just now.

When he heard Chen Feng's words just now, he felt that this medicinal pill was sold by Chen Feng. If this is the case, I am afraid that there will be no shortage of good things on Chen Feng's body.

Relying on his own intuition, Ye Yun told Ye Wannian when his mind became hot.

However, after Ye Wannian told Yu Lin, Ye Yun became afraid again.

If Chen Feng didn't sell that pill, wouldn't he be finished?

I am afraid that my entire family can't afford to deceive the great power of a Venerable "Nine Seven Three" realm.

But now it was too late, Yu Lin had completely focused on Chen Feng.

Besides, even if he said it now, he is not sure, it is difficult to guarantee that Yu Lin will destroy their father and son now.

"Boy, you heard it too, hand over your things, and we can discuss it. If the things you give can satisfy the ancestors, it's not that the ancestors can't give you a chance to survive."

Anyone can see the greed in Yu Lin's eyes.

Chen Feng just glanced at him lightly, and then said.

"Do you want something? No, it's terrible, your life is not enough, so this time, all of you should stay."

After speaking, the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

It is precisely after the glittering fruit has been developed to the extreme that the additional effect brought about by the movement speed is almost equivalent to teleportation.

Almost at the same time, he appeared behind Ye Chen.

Before Yu Lin and the others were shocked, they already saw Ye Chen's figure burned to carbon. After that, Chen Feng sneered and disappeared again.

At the same time, Chen Feng's figures appeared on the field.

This is not a clone, but an afterimage created by Chen Feng by constantly moving rapidly.

Looking at these afterimages, Yu Lin and the Ye family father and son were dumbfounded for a while.

Because they couldn't tell the difference, that was the real Chen Feng.

What's more, they couldn't catch up with Chen Feng's speed at all.

And Chen Feng, what he wants is this kind of effect.

Countless figures filled the entire auction hall, and the disciples who followed and the guards of Wanshan City fell to the ground one by one, all of which were fatal in one blow.

This scene, Yu Lin's heart is splitting when he sees it.

These people were all disciples and grandchildren of his sect, so how could they not feel bad for Chen Feng to kill them like this.

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