"Fuck, he's going to the Hidden Realm? No, I have to tell my father about it quickly."

The Hidden Realm is not a place to go casually. Even if it is as strong as Chen Feng, Chen Shaotian is still a little worried.


When Chen Feng was flying to the Hidden Realm, a piece of news once again detonated the entire Earth Immortal Realm.

The Tianren Mansion changed its owners, the original mansion master was killed, and the new mansion master was the Second Young Master of the Wu Mansion.

As soon as the news appeared, it quickly spread throughout the entire Earth Immortal World.

Along with this news, there is also a widely spread rumor in the dark.

The Palace Master of Tianren Palace was killed by Chen Feng of the Three Young Masters of the Wu Palace.

In fact, most people don't believe it. However, the current Tianren Mansion has indeed changed its owners. The mansion master is the second young mansion of the Wu Mansion. Since this is the case, then Chen Feng killed the original mansion master. impossible.

After Chen Mingxuan got the news, he was naturally happy for a long time.

Chapter 2 Go to the Hidden World (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After Chen Mingxuan got the news, he was naturally happy for a long time.

From his point of view, it was completely beyond his expectation that Chen Feng could achieve such an achievement.

I thought that Chen Feng's achievements in cultivation were not bad, but he never imagined that Chen Feng's current growth has completely surpassed that of most people.

At the age of sixteen, the cultivation level is close to that of the Venerable Realm.

If you say it, who will believe it?

On a training ground in Qimu Academy, Fang Qingtong was leading a group of students to class.

"Hey, did you hear that?"


Several students looked at Fang Qingtong, found that she hadn't noticed this, and whispered softly.

"Chen Feng, that Chen Feng, have you heard of it?"

"Damn it, you're not talking about Chen Feng who killed the Palace Master of Tianren Palace, right?"

"Who else is there besides him?"

Fang Qingtong, who was in a daze, suddenly woke up when she heard the word Chen Feng.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

I didn't bother those students, I just quietly raised my ears and listened carefully.

"That Chen Feng is really stupid. He immediately killed the Palace Master of Tianren Palace and brought it under our Wu Palace to blow up the sky."

"By the way, you said, does this Chen Feng have anything to do with the Chen Feng from a while ago in our class?"

Suddenly, a person thought and said such a sentence.

"How is it possible, these two people are completely incomparable."

"That's right, no matter how powerful that Chen Feng is, he's just a..."

Originally, I wanted to say that no matter how powerful Chen Feng was, he was not as powerful as the rumored Chen Feng, but he suddenly realized that he didn't know what kind of cultivation he was.


"Huh? Do you know what kind of cultivation he is?"

"Yeah, who knows?"

"I have no idea……"

"I do not know either……"

Several people looked at each other, looked at each other, and found a look of horror in each other's eyes.

"Fuck, it's not really him, is it?!!"

Listening to what they were discussing, Fang Qingtong only felt a moment of loss in his heart.

Because she knew that the Chen Feng in the rumors was most likely this Chen Feng.

"Now, he doesn't need to go to school anymore, right?"

With a faint sigh, Fang Qingtong murmured in the bottom of her heart, then turned and left the training ground.

However, no one noticed that a drop of water fell from the sky.

"Let me tell you, my boss is Chen Feng, who is Chen Feng? The three young mansions of Wufu, the city lord of Wan Yaocheng, retreated from the beast tide, killed the Yuan family by one person, and now made Tianrenfu a vassal of Wufu. Chen Feng."

On the other side, Han Yide was sitting on a rock with a broken-hearted expression, bragging to a few people.

"When I was in Wan Yaosen, let me tell you, that Yuan Yingyao knows, he..."

The surrounding students, listening to his talk, also yearned for Chen Feng.

The current Chen Feng has almost become the idol of all the students of Qimu Academy. .

Chapter 3 Seizing Pill (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

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