Not long after Chen Feng left, he came to Wanshan City alone.


In the auction house, Kang Rong, the alchemist who secretly sent a message, was kneeling on the ground in an inn, and respectfully said to the person in front of him.

"Didn't you say there are eight-grade medicinal pills? Where are the medicinal pills?"

Sitting in front of him was an old man dressed in the same style as him, but with a different color, and the color of the herbal pattern on his chest was also different.

This old man is his master, Tang Hongxi, whose cultivation base has reached the third rank of the Venerable. He is the only alchemist in the hidden world who is about to reach the seventh rank, and the current medicine master.

However, it is said that he is a master. In fact, he is just a registered disciple of Tang Hongxi, and he may not even be a registered disciple.

This "four, seven, seven" times, Tang Hongxi got a message from him, saying that there was an eighth-grade medicinal pill in the world, so he rushed over and gave him a chance to become his official disciple.

Tang Hongxi sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes, and asked slowly.

"This, this..."

When Kang Rong heard this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.


Hearing his hesitation, Tang Hongxi suddenly opened his eyes, looked at him indifferently, and let out a cold snort.

"Master, listen to my explanation..."

Seeing him like this, Kang Rong showed a look of horror on his face, and sweat fell like rain.

"Explain? Well, I'll give you a chance, go ahead."

Hearing what he said, Tang Hongxi closed his eyes again, but his tone was even more indifferent.

"Yes, thank you Master, thank you Master."

Kang Rong wiped the sweat from his head, but his body fell even lower.

"The day before yesterday, the eighth-grade medicinal pill was bought at the auction."

"What!! Let you explain to this deity, are you just wasting this opportunity?"

Hearing this, his eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light flashed away.

"No, it's not, Master, then, the person who bought the medicine pill, I have already found someone to watch over him, he didn't take the medicine pill, I can take him at any time and give it to the Master, just asking Master can give me a chance to stay by your side and serve you!!”

Seeing this, Kang Rong lowered his head even more ruthlessly, and quickly speeded up his speech. At the end, there was a hint of crying in his voice.

Tang Hongxi's face softened when he heard the words, he pondered for a while, and said.

"Well, yes, as long as you do this well, the deity can give you a chance to stay by the deity's side and be an assistant."

"Ah?! Thank you Master, thank you Master!!"

When Kang Rong heard this, he was instantly overjoyed and kept kowtowing to thank him.

"Okay, you can go, remember, I didn't stay here for long, only three days. After three days, the deity will return to the Medicine Sect, you can do it yourself."

After speaking, Tang Hongxi closed his eyes again and ignored him.

Seeing that he didn't speak any more, Kang Rong bowed respectfully, bent down, and exited the room. He didn't straighten up until he was outside the room.

The expression on his face returned to an indifferent expression, and he walked out of the inn.

As soon as they left the inn, someone walked over.

"Master Kang, that person is still in the same place, do you want to do it?"

Kang Rong looked at the sky and sneered.

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Kang Rong looked at the sky and sneered.

"Wait a second, wait for it to get dark, do it right away, remember, after bringing the medicinal pills over, let everyone involved in this incident disappear from Tianren Mansion for me!"


The man responded, thought for a moment, and asked again.

"Sir, I want to..."

Saying that, he stroked his neck with one hand.

Kang Rong nodded vaguely, then turned and left.

In the middle of the night, several dark shadows quietly came to a yard in the corner of Wanshan City.

"is it here?"

"Yes, it's here, Master Kang said, as long as you rob this guy, you will give us a sum of money that will allow us to live comfortably for the rest of our lives, and also provide us with some medicinal pills that are beneficial to improving our cultivation."

"Really? That's great, we can finally go further."

Several people discussed outside for a while, and then each used the birth method to enter the courtyard without making a single sound...  

A person first pinched out a spirit and smeared it on his eyes.

Then, seeing his eyes light up slightly, they returned to their original state.

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