After speaking, he turned to Fu Ying and said.

"Haha, I made you laugh, this is one of my sisters, Yan Rui, Rui'er, why don't you come over to see Miss Fu soon?"

When speaking, there was a hint of coldness in Yan Rui's eyes.

It was the first time Yan Rui saw such a look in his eyes, and she was a little scared. Even Liu Xian didn't pay attention to her name, so she walked slowly to Fu Ying and gave a salute.

"See, I have seen Sister Fu..."

When she raised her head, she happened to see Chen Feng standing behind the crowd. After being slightly confused, she shouted in surprise.

"Chen Feng?"

Hearing this, Chen Feng looked at her strangely.

Because although it looks a little familiar, Chen Feng can be sure that he definitely doesn't know her.

"You are??"

"I'm Yan Rui! We used to play together when we were young."

When Yan Rui saw Chen Feng, her eyes showed nostalgia, a look of reminiscence and a touch of nostalgia hidden in the depths.

But when she saw Liu Xian next to her, she immediately returned to normal.

And Chen Feng, after her words, immediately rang.

Is this the childhood sweetheart that Chen Shaotian was talking about?


After Chen Feng looked at it for a while, he stopped answering the call.

Chapter 3 A one-man show (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

After Chen Feng looked at it for a while, he stopped answering the call.

As for Liu Xia'er and the others, they looked at her up and down several times, and in the end they all shook their heads, stopped talking, and continued to look at their cloth.

Chen Feng didn't speak, but that didn't mean Yan Rui didn't come back to find him.

"Hey, Chen Feng, what are you doing here? I remember that you were found out back then and you couldn't cultivate because of your constitution? Then how did you come to Yongsui Mansion?"

Yan Rui urgently needs someone to prove her existence.

Because she had just found out, Liu Xian didn't seem to really want to be with her.

However, what she should or should not have given has already been given to Liu Xian.

Now if we say let her leave Liu Xian's side, unless there is a better one than Liu Xian.

However, she did not (bidf) think that there is anyone better than Liu Xian.

As for why she wanted to talk to Chen Feng after recognizing Chen Feng, the reason was to suppress Chen Feng and use Chen Feng to show her own sense of existence.

However, she clearly mistyped her attention.

Chen Fengli ignored her, just sat next to him and narrowed his eyes.

No matter how Yan Rui spoke next to him, Chen Feng just ignored him.

This scene made the four girls laugh out loud.

Seeing this, Yan Rui didn't know which muscle was wrong, her expression changed, and she said sadly.

"Chen Feng, although the two of us are childhood sweethearts, I also know your feelings for me. I'm very touched that you can chase me here for me, but after all, that's when I was a child..."

As soon as she said these words, Chen Feng's eyes widened and he looked at her a little dazedly.

The others also looked at Yan Rui blankly, not knowing what she wanted to do.

If it is said that his face is ugly, Liu Xian's face is the most ugly.

"Since I followed my parents to Yong'an City, Yongsui Prefecture, I have realized the vastness of this world."

"In the immortal world, you can have no money or power, but you must have strength!!"

Saying that, Yan Rui looked at Liu Xian with deep affection in her eyes.

"I feel that I am lucky. God, let me meet Brother Xian, and Brother Xian has all the above conditions, and he himself is also a real person."

After finishing speaking, the whole person is already leaning on Liu Xian's arms thanks to her, and Liu Xian was praised a little because of her words.

The four girls looked at her stand-up performance, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing.

Even Xiao Bai, who was lying on Fu Ying's shoulder, raised his head and glanced sarcastically at the man and woman who were snuggling together.

"You four, what are you laughing at, I'm talking to me, why are you so rude, in case he can't think about it, and there are three long and two shortcomings, you women are the culprits!!"

Seeing that they were still laughing, Yan Rui said with some embarrassment.

"Brother Xian, let's go, I don't want to stay here anymore."

After saying that, she looked like she was about to cry again.

Liu Xia'er couldn't stand it any longer, she snorted coldly, came to Chen Feng's side, sat directly in his arms, took off the veil on her face, and kissed Chen Feng.

When Yan Rui saw Liu Xia'er's face, she was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that under the veil, she was so beautiful, on par with Fu Ying.

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