When Liu Xia'er kissed Chen Feng, Yan Rui's face instantly turned pale.

"You, you!!!!".

Chapter 1 Tianbang (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"This, this, this..."

Yan Rui stared at Liu Xia'er and Chen Feng in a stunned manner, unable to understand.

Why such a beautiful woman Liu Xia'er could find someone like Chen Feng, this is something she can't understand.

In her impression, it still stayed in the state of Chen Feng's physique when he was checked out when he was young.

It is because of this that it will appear that no matter how absurd the predecessor is, as long as he doesn't do something particularly hurtful, Chen Mingxuan will let it go.

Liu Xia'er gave Yan Rui a provocative look, then got up and stood aside.

Yan Rui naturally saw Liu Xia'er, but she still held a fluke, thinking that Liu Xia'er and Chen Feng were together because of the power of the Chen family.

But the next scene was about to break her three views.

I saw Nami and Bonnie both walking forward, kissing Chen Feng before, and then standing behind him.

And Chen Feng looked at the three of them helplessly. Just when everyone thought it was over, Fu Ying made a move that made everyone stay in place.

Seeing that Fu Ying had her hands behind her back, she came to Chen Feng pretty, bent down, kissed his lips, and then stood behind him.

Chen Feng covered his mouth, a little bit lost.

what's going on?You were insulted by Fu Ying?

As for Liu Xia'er's three daughters, they looked at Fu Ying with expressions they had known for a long time.

Although Fu Ying's face was a little red, she still had a big smile on her face and stood behind Chen Feng indifferently, as if what she had just done was just something she didn't care about.

Liu Xian looked at Chen Feng with a livid face, with a strong killing intent in his eyes, and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, Miss Fu, if you just want to let your subordinates give up on you, you don't have to do this to yourself, right?"

Yan Rui woke up only after he made a sound, looked at Chen Feng with a complicated expression, and then looked at the four girls behind him.

Fu Ying didn't dare to offend her, but she didn't know the other three women. Seeing Nami and Bonnie's hair color and pupil color, she suddenly thought of something and said.

"Chen Feng, are you looking for these indifferent women just to cooperate with you in such a play?"

Hearing her words, Chen Feng, who didn't care much at first, suddenly turned cold.

"What did you say?"

Originally, he didn't really want to deal with them, but he didn't expect that one or two of them would be so advanced.

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Yan Rui wanted to say something, but suddenly found that the surroundings suddenly became cold.

At this time, Liu Xian completely calmed down.

After calming down, he realized that Fu Ying was not a casual woman, and it was impossible to say that she just wanted to make him give up and just find someone casually.

Besides, being treated like this by four such stunning beauties, Chen Feng's identity cannot be underestimated.

After thinking about this, big drops of sweat flowed down his head.

After wiping off the sweat, Liu Xian stretched out his hand to give a salute and asked.

"I think this brother has an extraordinary bearing. He must also be a person with status, right? Not only where is the brother high? I am"

"This one is the third son of the current Wufu Palace Master Ming Xuan, Chen Feng, who is also the number one on the Tianjiao Ranking and the tenth on the Earth Ranking..."

Before Chen Feng spoke, Fu Ying spoke directly.

Hearing this, Yan Rui was immediately stunned.

The Son of His Holiness?Tianjiao list first?Tenth on the list? ? ?

Why doesn't she know these things?

Chapter 1 Tianbang (3/1 please subscribe, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

Why doesn't she know these things?

Although the two families are related to each other, they haven't seen each other for many years.

At the beginning, when Chen Mingxuan was young, he was ambushed and seriously injured, and was rescued by Yan Rui's father, and then the two became friends.

Because his life was saved by Father Yan, Chen Mingxuan took great care of him in everything.

After Chen Mingxuan took the seat of the palace lord, he was going to give him an official promotion, but Yan's father left Wufu with his family and went to Yongsuifu.

Although there are still communication exchanges later, more than ten years have passed, and it is not so frequent.

In recent years, it is even more pitiful, and there is basically no contact.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????

And the matter of doll kissing has long been forgotten.

If Chen Feng didn't appear in front of her now, she would never remember for the rest of her life that she still had a baby on her body.

As for Chen Mingxuan's breakthrough to the Venerable Realm, because he has been in retreat since he broke through, only some families and people with higher cultivation realms know about it.

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