Yan Rui had also heard about Chen Feng, but she didn't think of Chen Feng, she just felt a little familiar.

Just when she and Liu Xian were staring blankly at Chen Feng, Fu Ying frowned and took out a jade slip from her pocket.

"Well, I heard recently that the Earth Ranking has been updated again, and it seems that the Heavenly Ranking has also been updated. Really, I don't know why it is updated so frequently."


Saying that, he directly pinched the seal and activated the jade slip in his hand.

A transparent screen appeared above the jade slip, which was the list of the land rankings.

The tenth place at this time was no longer Chen Feng's name.

"Huh? Why aren't you there?"

Hearing Fu Ying's doubtful voice, everyone turned their heads to look, only to see that the names of the seventh to twenty-sixth place were displayed on the screen, but there was no Chen Feng on them.

Seeing this, Liu Xian and Yan Rui both breathed a sigh of relief, and Yan Rui said with a sarcastic expression.

"I'll just say, he's like this..."

Before she could finish speaking, Fu Ying interrupted her.

"found it!"

Hearing his words, Yan Rui's heart twitched, her face became ugly again, and she turned to look at the screen.

I saw on the screen, the top seven all appeared on it.

And the name at the top is Chen Feng.

Seeing such a ranking, Liu Xian sat down on the ground.

He thought that the things circulating outside were just exaggerations.

But he didn't expect that Chen Feng would actually be ranked first on the Earth Ranking.

The number one place on the Earth Ranking is a place in the top ten of the Heavenly Ranking.

The top ten on the Heavenly Ranking list are at the lowest level.

"No, impossible, impossible!!".

Chapter 2 The farce ended (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

Yan Rui looked at the ranking list in Fu Ying's hands and muttered unacceptably.

"No, it's impossible, you are definitely a fake list!!"

Speaking of which, Liu Xian took out a jade slip that was exactly the same as Fu Ying's hand from the ring.

"How is it possible, I just watched it last night!!"

Hearing his words, Fu Ying looked at him with pity.

You know, the Jishu Pavilion also has to verify the authenticity of the matter, and then update the ranking.

And the list just happened to be updated today. When he watched it last night, it still hadn't been updated.

However, even on the previous list, Chen Feng was properly ranked tenth on the list.

This is not his kind, he can be compared to more than a dozen on the Tianjiao list.

When Liu Xian saw that the list in the hands of "[-]" was exactly the same as the list in Fu Ying's hands, he couldn't even hold the jade slip.


After a crisp sound, Yujian fell to the ground.

However, this jade slip is of good quality, and it did not fall to pieces because it fell to the ground.

Yan Rui looked at Chen Feng, unable to recover for a long time.

She never imagined that the original Chen Feng could grow to such a level.

A feeling of remorse rushed into my heart.

Looking at Liu Xian who was sitting on the ground, and then at Chen Feng, Yan Rui suddenly felt that this so-called son of the clan was nothing more than that.

When she looked at Chen Feng, she found that Chen Feng's eyes were terrifyingly cold.

Only then did she realize what she had just said.

"He, he won't kill me, will he?!!"

Taking a few steps back in horror, Yan Rui turned her eyes for help to Liu Xian.

However, Liu Xian has no time to take care of her.

At this time, Liu Xian also looked at Chen Feng in horror, sitting on the ground and slowly rubbing towards the store door.

"Chen, Chen Feng, I was wrong, no, don't kill me!!"

Yan Rui suddenly knelt on the ground and cried.

"Yes, it was him. He forced me to be with him. In fact, I have always remembered you."

Hearing her words, Chen Feng was stunned.

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