What the hell, I don't seem to have spoken yet.

But Yan Rui didn't know what Chen Feng was thinking, and was still talking about where he was.

"I've been looking forward to it since I knew that I had a baby kiss with you, but I didn't have your contact information. Later, I met Liu Xian and he forced me, so I had no choice but to follow him. Now, you have to trust me, Chen Feng."

When Liu Xian on the side heard her words, he was instantly furious, and he didn't care about where it was. He stood up and slapped her face with a slap.

"Bitch!! I didn't know who it was at the beginning, after drugging my son, he was looking for life next to my son the next day!!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the circle looked straight at Yan Rui with contempt in their eyes.

A woman, for power and wealth, can send herself to someone's bed so cheaply.

Chapter 2 The farce ended (3/1 for subscription, please customize) -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

A woman, for power and wealth, can send herself to someone's bed so cheaply.

"Although I am not a good person to pay myself, I can't do things like being irresponsible, so even if I know the facts, I didn't say much, and you actually say such a thing now, damn it! !"

After Liu Xian finished speaking, he stepped up and kicked her directly to the ground.

Chen Feng looked at them, too lazy to do anything.

This Liu Xian didn't provoke him very much. From the beginning to the end, this woman killed herself there, so Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Glancing at Yan Rui who was lying on the ground, Chen Feng raised his feet and walked outside.

Yan Rui panicked when she saw that Chen Feng was about to leave, and then looked at Liu Xian who was angry.

Originally, I wanted to use Chen Feng's hand to kill Liu Xian. In that case, I wouldn't have to worry so much.

Now that Liu Xian is fine, if Chen Feng leaves, his fate can be imagined.

He rushed forward and wanted to hug Chen Feng's leg, but what kind of cultivation was Chen Feng, how could she easily hug him.

With his body slightly to one side, Yan Rui threw himself in the air and lay directly on the ground.

Yan Rui was stunned for a moment, but she quickly got up and sat on the ground. Even a large piece of spring was exposed between the gaps in her clothes.

"Chen, Chen Feng, save me, I, I know I'm cheap, but, if you leave, I'll be dead, please, please, for the sake of my father's saving His Holiness. , save me."

Chen Feng frowned, looking at Yan Rui lying on the ground, the unpleasantness in her eyes made her feel a chill.

But when she thought that after Chen Feng left, Yan Rui couldn't care about her own fate.

He moved his hands, pulled his collar further apart, and said with a smile.

"Chen Feng, if you save me, you can do whatever you want to me, and you can also make me your slave."

On the other hand, Liu Xian was stunned.

He did not expect that Yan Rui was actually such a woman.

Now he is a little fortunate that he can get rid of this woman early when he encounters such a thing.

Chen Feng glanced at her in disgust and said.

"The fact that your father saved my father was already paid off the moment you left the Wufu."

"When you left, your father gave you a lot of money, enough for you to live without food and clothing for the rest of your life. Although I don't know what the situation is now, we have nothing to do with each other."

Having said that, Chen Feng waved his hand, and Nami and the others came to Chen Feng's side after knowing it. 3.9 leaned beside him, and even Fu Ying came over.

"What do you think you are worth compared to them?"

Looking at the beautiful faces of the four daughters, Yan Rui lowered her head with some inferiority.

Yes, there are four girls, what does she count.

Looking up again, Chen Feng and the others had already left the store and left.

"People like Chen Feng, even me, have to look up. What's more, their family now has a venerable person, and the status is even different from the past. Tianren's mansion is now surnamed Chen."

Liu Xian looked at the backs of Chen Feng and others, and murmured with emotion.

Then he lowered his head and looked at Yan Rui on the ground coldly, and said fiercely.

"Do you think you can climb up? Bitch!!".

Chapter 3 Jealous (3/[-] for subscription, please customize)

"You, aren't you worried?"

Liu Xia'er walked beside Chen Feng, looked at him curiously and asked. (Bookstore shu05.com)

"What's there to worry about?"

Chen Feng heard the words with a hint of curiosity on his face, and asked.

"She's your childhood sweetheart anyway, so there's no guessing about her."

There was a smell of vinegar in his voice.

Liu Xia'er was jealous, which made Chen Feng a little inexplicable.

"Hey, what's the matter? Who bullied my family Xia'er."

Chen Feng hugged her from behind and said softly.

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